This weekend just gone, me and Kelly travelled up to the midlands to go to 2 theme parks, the huge (and biggest in UK) Alton Towers, and the smaller, but also very good, Drayton Manor.
These parks are about 150 miles from Ipswich, so we booked a hotel in the middle (Derby) and went to Alton on Saturday, and to Drayton on Sunday. I took Monday and Tuesday off, so am home now bumming :p
Anyhow, we had a great time! In Alton Towers we went on the following (in order):
Ripsaw - swings you around and hangs you upside down for a bit.
Air - now this is cool! I missed going on this back in 2003 cos there was such a massive queue (it had just openned), but man what a ride! The first roller coaster (and I think still the only one) in the world that you travel on whilst lying down! When you get on it you just sit down like normal, and you get belted in and your legs secured too. Then you're tilted so that you face the floor! You go through the ride either facing the floor or facing the sky, and it's an amazing feeling! Not too much ups and downs, as much as twists and turns and feelings of flying. Great ride!
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory - a disappointing boat ride in the factory, let down by the fact that it was just still models, not much happened.
Rita Queen Of Speed - One of those fast shooting rides that are popular these days (based on the similar Stealth ride in Thrope Park which we went to this year too, also great). The train shoots from 0-60mph in about 2.5 seconds or something stupid like that, then what follows is a succession of turns and twists. It's all over very soon but it's great while it lasts!
Spinball Whizzer - This one was great! Looks like a kid's ride, but very intense. The coaster puts you in a "pinball ball", so you ride in a circular train which spins like mad at any opportunity. Couple this with lots of ups, downs, and twists, and you have a very cool ride.
Oblivion - The all-time classic. One of the coolest rides I've ever been on to date, the idea is simple. The train takes 16 passengers (sat in 2 rows of 8) up to the top of the track, and then tilts you down slightly... you end up suspended up there looking at a big black hole in which the train will drop.... Then the stupid thing tells you "welcome to the Alton Tower's Oblivion. Whatever you do, don't look down!" and away you go! A free-fall drop lasting 6 seconds, the majority of which is in a big, dark, cold, and black hole! When you feel that you're about to die, the track swerves up and loops back to the station! Yes, it's only about 10 seconds but God is it worth it.
The next day we were off to Drayton Manor, a small and relatively unknown park, but one that hosts some of the greatest rides. They really should promote this park a bit more. We went on (in order):
Maelstrom - one of those rides that swings and turns at the same time. Difficult to explain, but is like a classic swinging ship ride, but the riders are sat in a circle that spins around at the same time. Scary and good.
The Flying Dutchman - swings that go up and spin :p
The Big Wheel.
Pandemonium - I went on that solo, as Kelly was too scared (hehe!). Basically a "ranger" style ride, riders are secured in and then spun around and hung upside down alot. More "oh my god my head is gonna pop!" rather than scary.
Apocalypse - A traditional vertical drop ride, you go on it, it goes up and up, then lets go and you drop. Problem is, this one is standing, and to add to the thrill, it tilts you forward a bit, so you're not only standing, but are forced to look at the floor as you race towards it in free-fall! Excellent ride, very very scary.
Drunken Barrels - waltzer-like ride. Stupid.
G-Force - this one is unique. A steel coaster that is quite small and short, made up of 2 loops, a cobra-loop, and some screws. What makes it very cool is that riders are only restrained from their waste (ie non of those top-down belts you get on all other coasters), and when you first start off, you drop down quickly and then the chain that takes you to the top is actually inside a loop! So as you're being pulled up you're turning upside down too! Very cool ride and made more intense cos of the waist-only restraints.
Stormforce 10 - a traditional water ride, lots of ups and downs. Very wet.
Shockwave - the last ride we went on for the day, and man oh man what a way to end the weekend! Shockwave is stil Europe's only stand-up coaster, and what an experience! Riders are secured standing up and then the coaster takes you through a dip, one loop, and 3 screws. Sounds short but it's amazingly fast, very very scary, and if it were any longer you'd puke. Best thing is, we queued for the front seats (or stands, I don't know :p), and we didn't wait long as no one wanted to go front - it's that scary. Awesome ride, well worth the visit to Drayton.
And that's it, so in one weekend I went on as many rides as I usually go on in a year or two. Wonderful stuff. Back in Ipswich now, with my MRCP book in one hand, and PCZone in the other. Wonder what I'll read next.....
Later y'all.