Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Yes Ladies (are there any?) and Gentlemen, I am very proud to introduce to you:!

I registered this domain name very late last night in a sleepless state of mind! Mind you, it was cheap (only £20 for 2 years). Currently, visiting just redirects you to here.
I don't intend (at least not yet) to make a brand-new website from scratch, and will continue to use Good-Delicious as my madness outlet. will carry on redirecting to here.

So what's the point you say? well, a very important one: alot of my friends keep telling me "oh, we used to read your blog but we lost the address and can't remember it, it's too long" etc, etc. Now, there's nothing easier than remembering ali-sob :)

Spread the word people, and if you want update your bookmarks.

Ali "SoB" :)


Anonymous said...

Happy Ramadan
And congratulations for the new website name , I always loose the old address and use Google to find it

SoB said...

And happy Ramadhan to you too :)

So you're one of the guilty who just can't remember the long address :p