Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


I just noticed that I haven't mentioned my amazing hardware/software

I'll post much more details later, but just one day after finishing
the watercooling, the PC suffered a hardware and software catastrophy!

I lost tons of game installs (and some saves!) but nothing major. I
had to reinstall windows, and I've had to order some new hardware ;)

More details, including pics of the water cooler and new stuff, very

Stay tuned!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Pizza, solved:


Tuesday, December 22, 2009

We have water!

I'm cut, bruised, and tired. As usual.

After a lot of heartache, waiting for the delivery driver, finding out the CPU block that comes with the Reserator isn't 1366 compatible, etc etc.. I finally have the PC running with 2 watercooled VGAs and a watercooled NorthBridge. The CPU is aircooled with the Noctua because of the above, but that might change.

Anyway - am too scared to touch the damn thing.. it's scary knowing that water is spinning around in there now... saying that, the GPUs are both idle at 21 (GASP!), the PC is super quiet, and the northbridge is at 41.

It's all good. Now let's try to blow it up with some games.

Keep your fingers crossed, and if all's OK I'll post some pics soon ;)

Monday, December 21, 2009

Let's Watercool a PC!

Yes, as Tron correctly predicted, the "coming soon" project was my very first foray in to the murky, dark, depths of watercooling.

I had it all planned for Saturday just gone. I read, and read and read some more on lots of not very friendly forums (the world of PC watercooling is filled with very snobby people!), and I eventually ordered the following kit:

Zalman Reserator XT - This is an all-in-one external single box solution. See, it turns out to watercool a PC, you need a reservoir (for the water), a radiator (or rad), and a pump to circulate everything. You also need lots of room to shove all that in your PC. The Reserator XT is an external box (about as big as the good old mini-towers we all loved/hated back in the 90s!) that contains all 3 elements.

The kit also includes a CPU waterblock, and I purchased a NorthBridge one. My NorthBridge runs at 50-60 degrees (nothing dramatic, within normal), because I've overclocked the CPU to 4.2ghz by increasing the BCLK to 200 and multiplying that by 21.

EK HD5870 Waterblocks: These are used to cool the VGAs. Installing them involves disassembling the factory fan/heatsinks, and replacing them with the blocks. It's scary!

But, I couldn't carry on doing anything on Saturday! See, in my ignorance, I failed to order some VERY basic couplings which didn't come as standard with my VGA blocks, hence I had to delay everything. I placed another order for everything (I hope!) and that should arrive tomorrow!

SO - why all this? See, my HD5870s are both 2 slot cards. When sat together in the motherboard, their fans have virtually no room for airflow. This leads to the cards getting stupidly hot when active (90 degrees), which in turn makes the fans loud. More importantly, when the cards reach these temperatures they throttle their performance, leading to a palpable dip in performance.

Keep your eyes fixed on the blog tomorrow, hopefully I'll manage to get everything installed, and most importantly, NOT LEAKING!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Some piccies

Of the snow that is :)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Coming soon...

... a radical design change in my PC.

And I mean RADICAL. Something entirely new to me (and I presume most of you), the thought of which is terrifying me.

Stay tuned....

Friday, December 18, 2009


Yes it's snowing in this neck of the woods, but more importantly it's so thick (about 10 cm here) that the roads are closed! As in, chocablock closed, packed, no one can move.

This is gonna carry on till Sunday morning. So, obviously, I am at home today with no work!

It's all very pretty too, it's nice and warm inside with a postcard-like view out of the window. Behind us is a school field you see, and there are loads of kids playing around. Very christmassy too!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Modern Warfare 2

I have to mention that Modern Warfare 2 has one hell of a single player campaign. ONE HELL OF A CAMPAIGN.

The criticism that it's too short is not fair. That's like criticising a really good film or book for being too short. Who cares about the quantity, when the quality is outstanding.

And the multiplayer, despite what all those "let's boycott MW2 cos there's no dedicated servers ZOMG" people warned us about, works WAY BETTER than having a dedicated server, and is fantastic fun.

Get it if you can.

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Saturday, December 05, 2009

Twitterfeed test

..and a bit of news

1\ Nights are finished! YAY!

2\ Bayonetta, is one hell of an awesome, awesome, AWESOME! game. Stylish, sexy, and super fun! Demo out now, full thing January!

3\ If I've set things right, this blog post should be tweeted :D

4\ Salam

Friday, December 04, 2009

Night 7

There must be some sort of mistake, but everyone who has a heart
problem has decided to come in on my shift.


At least it'll all be over in just over 6 hours.

Thursday, December 03, 2009

Battle of Branchage

Battle of Branchage is THE MOST AMAZING light show you will ever, EVER see. Seriously. It is beyond cool how creative this thing is.

In the words of Wired UK:

Evan Grant brings buildings to life. As part of Jersey’s recent Branchage Festival, the 29-year-old founder of Shoreditch-based arts and technology collective Seeper projected ultra-bright video on to the walls of the third-century Gorey Castle. This “3D projection mapping” made polychrome blocks appear to slide out of the fortifications and the structure twist and collapse against the night sky.

Prepare to be amazed (watch it in HD if you can):

Battle of Branchage from seeper on Vimeo.

Night 6

I genuinely, honestly, can't feel anything beneath my knees.

That's how much I ache.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Night 5

Tonight is the night that I discovered that the awesome Pinball
Fantasies is out on the iPhone!

Couldn't play it though :(

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Night 4

For some reason, tonight the hospital corridors smell of a very
pleasant apple shampoo.

Sadly, that's the most exciting thing.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Night 3

I just realised I've forgotten to blog about night 3.

Here it is.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Night 2

Work is okish. More importantly, I've now finished 3 worlds out of 5
in Demon's Souls!!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Night 1

It's raining and it's pouring, and I wish I was snoring!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Here we go again

Yes, again!

It's nights!!

I LOVE nights!!!

I HEART nights!!!

I can't wait to go back on nights again!

Seven of the damn things in one, big, massive shot of exhaustion!

Starting tonight at 22:00. Don't miss it!

Will blog nightly, as usual.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

The Muppets perform Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody

'nuff said

BioShock Cosplay = AWESOME

You do know what cosplay is, right?

Volpin Props (a dude and his fiancée that like to recreate famous game/movie props) have created, what has to be, THE best cosplay photoshoot of any game - not just BioShock.

I can talk till the cows go home - you won't get the picture until you've, well, seen the pictures :p


Monday, November 23, 2009

Demon's Souls - or How I've Turned In To A School Kid Again

Ah Demon's Souls.

I write this at work. I'm 10 hours in to a 13 hour shift, and I really should be elsewhere. Instead, I'm thinking about Demon's Souls, I'm reading about it (on twitter, on blogs, on forums, on amazon) and thinking about my next steps in it, and also about my victory last night against the demon at the end of The Tower of Latria.

Demon's Souls is a game that you really shouldn't play at all. It's one of those games that just about ruins everything that's come before it, everything that's come with it, and probably everything that'll come after it.

I really do want to play Brutal Legend, and the "amazing" Uncharted 2, but both disks are sat there begging to be ran, but the Demon's Souls disk is firmly planted in my PS3's drive. And it's not going anywhere for a very, very long time.

I generally don't like RPGs, I get bored if a game is longer than, say, 15 hours. I also get very annoyed if a game forces me to replay sections I've played before. I also get really, REALLY annoyed at games that are too difficult, perhaps unfair.
Demon's Souls is all the above, multiplied by 10. It is, without exaggeration, probably THE most difficult game you'll ever play.

Yet, I'm 40 hours in to my first play through - I've finished one and a half worlds (there's five worlds in total), and I have no intention of stopping. I want to play it, then replay it (on the more difficult NG+ mode!). If that isn't testament to how great this game is, then nothing is.

Demon's Souls pits you, the lone hero, in Boletaria - a world overrun by bad souls, and demons. You'll have to hack and slash and magic your way through the worlds, each broken down into smaller areas. Essentially you're dungeon crawling.

But oh what dungeons! Each and every step you take in a level, you hold your breath. Is there a trap? Is there an enemy that can kill me with one blow? Am I going to fall down a cleverly hidden pit? And trust me, you will. You will fall, break, burn, paralyse, and die more than you've ever done before.

Die, and you lose all the souls you carried. Souls? They're one of the genius designs of this game - each enemy you kill gives you souls. Souls are the ONE and ONLY currency in the game. You use souls for EVERYTHING! To buy weapons, to repair your kit, to buy health, to learn spells, to upgrade your weapons, to upgrade your stats. EVERYTHING.
So, to die and lose them all is one kick in the teeth.

You'll resurrect, in soul form. As if the game wasn't hard enough, soul form makes you more vulnerable - your health bar is halved. The enemies, on the other hand, also all resurrect BUT they're intact. Health and all.You can't just switch off and on again. The game turns the popular autosave in to your worst enemy. It autosaves feverishly every time you do ANYTHING, hence stopping you from any kind of cheating. Use some health? saved. Use an arrow? saved. Kill
an enemy? saved. Die and lose all your souls? saved. You can't just load an autosave either, you can only load once when you start, and that's it. To make things a bit worse? you can't even pause the game!

Make it back to where you died, and you'll find a blood stain - and you can pick up your fallen souls! Great, if you can make it back without dying - die en route, and your souls have gone forever. Vanished. Just like that.

And there's design genius again. Each time you die and lose souls, you'll want to go back. You'll want to get to where you fell, and pick up your souls. And slowly, ever so slowly, you start knowing where the traps are, where the enemies hide and ambush, and where the ledges are narrow. You'll gradually navigate these areas like a professional - timing your leaps and attacks with pinpoint precision, until you get to your blood stain. There, you'll learn what killed you, and how to avoid it.

And that's why death in Demon's Souls isn't losing. Dying is part of playing the game, it must be accepted. Embraced even. By killing you repeatedly, the game teaches you how to navigate each level with ease, how to kill the monsters that inhabit it, and how to navigate its dungeons. It also teaches you patience, and observation, and not to just button mash in an attempt to kill everything you see. You have to learn the level, learn the enemy, understand their attacks, and strike them down.

It also teaches you to explore. Tempting messages, shining items far away, things that make you want to venture further. And venture you will, and more often than not you'll end up falling for another trap. But the more you explore, the more you die, and the more you learn; and, eventually, you'll discover a shortcut. Some lever or door or bridge that opens up and suddenly you've cut the dungeon in half, making it possible to run from start to end in a matter of minutes, having spent hours upon hours navigating it, and dying in it.

Design genius strikes again. Unlocking a shortcut is associated with one of those rare gaming feelings - that of utter and total bliss. And sense of pride and achievement. YOU DID IT! Now, the level that once killed you over and over again is nothing but an oyster in your hand, you can navigate it blind folded. You'll know every nook and cranny, every enemy, every trap, and every short cut.

But, this is after all Demon's Souls. Simplicity isn't in it's nature. At the end of each level is a demon. Demon's tend to be very, VERY powerful. They are large, have massive attacks, and lots of health. The sensation of elation after finding a
shortcut is rapidly replaced with a sensation of dread: "OH SHIT, I'm about to fight the Demon". And they'll kill you. Many times.

And again, dying teaches you. You'll resurrect, you'll get to the end of the level within minutes (and feel really happy doing so), and you'll also go straight back and spend your souls before you get killed and lose them all again. Sooner or
later, you'll learn what the Demon's weakness is, and how to conquer it.

Conquer it in soul form, and you regain your body back, regaining all your health and power. And, trust me, there is NOTHING to compare to the feeling of beating a Knight that's ten times your height and power! Watching him fall to his death, die and leave behind his Soul is one of those moments where you get up and pump your fist in the air, jump up and down, and smile for the rest of the day!

Killing a demon not only gives you your body back, it gives you plenty of souls to spend on whatever you like. And spend you will, there's no "soul bank" as such, you either carry souls (and lose them when you die), or spend them on stuff. It also, crucially, places an all-important check point in the world, letting you start from there each time you want to play.

You'll venture on, more powerful than before, better armor and better weapons and better stats, and a human body at last. And, again, another raw emotion comes with this process. Starting new, undiscovered territory, especially in human form, is probably the most fearful thing you'll experience in any game.
The sense of paranoia is huge - you don't know what's lurking behind each corner, what traps there are, and what the game's going to do to take away your precious body (and health and souls!). You'll literally inch down narrow corridors, jumping at every sound or light flicker, shield up in guard and sweat poring down your face. Despite all this, you'll still die, and lose your body, a sensation of overwhelming sadness and defeat as you realise that all the hard work beating the Demon earlier has just gone down the drain.

Again, this will spur you on and on, making you learn about the level that made you feel so sad. And again, eventually, you'll conquer it and make it your own and show off to yourself how you can run through it with hardly a scratch.

But there's still more. The game is constantly online. As you play, you'll see ghostly apparitions of other players, playing the same level as you. Sometimes, you're comforted by their presence. Other times, you'll be so paranoid you'll start
slashing at them when they suddenly appear.

You'll also see phantom blood stains. Other players dying is useful to you as well, just like your death is useful to them. Activate a phantom blood stain, and you'll see the last living moments of another player. If they fell for a nasty trap just ahead, or if they got killed by a nasty enemy around the corner, the phantom serves to warn you that there's something harmful up ahead.
Again, death is turned in to a means to teach you - even the death of other players.

You can leave messages too. Premade messages (like: Beware drop ahead) can be left, and rated, by you and other players. Most messages are useful, but the game has a habit of dropping fake messages, as well as other players do, so you'll learn to be just as paranoid about the messages as everything else.
In another example of design genius, if you leave a helpful message that someone rates positively, you'll instantly receive a full health bar. This once saved me from a horrible death, and I was grinning like a maniac for ages!

Better still, as a human you can summon other players that are in soul form. These will help you in your quest, and more importantly help you take down the demon. You'll learn from them, and, when you inevitably become a soul yourself, you'll help other human players conquer the game. Beat the demon, and you're resurrected. Something that proves invaluable.

Last, and perhaps the worst, later on in the game you gain the ability to "invade" other players' worlds. As a soul, you can use a special stone that turns you into a black soul and finds a human player to invade. That player will receive a chilling
"you have been invaded" message, and a very tense game of cat and mouse emerges, with the invader hunting down the invaded human. Kill them, and you get their souls, and get your body back. Die, and you lose a soul (experience) level.

This adds to the tension of being human. As you traverse unknown territory, you are constantly worried that the dreaded "you have been invaded" message appears. The first time it happened to me I panicked and fell down a trap, dying ungracefully and cursing the minute I bought the game. The next time though, I was well prepared and managed to strike down the invader with brute force.

And, I must confess, I've killed a human or two as an invader. It's a funny sensation, that of betrayal, of treachery, of pity, on this other player who, just like you, has struggled to resurrect and is now trying to keep his human form, only for another player to strike him down.

SO - you've probably guessed it by now, but I am in love with Demon's Souls. It is a game of pure genius, one that throws away the rule book, and presents you with it's unforgiving, dark, imaginative world. A game that's more retro than new, yet fresher than you'll ever experience.

Not since the old 8 bit days has a game caused so much frustration yet generated such sensations of dread, despair, elation, and strength! Conquering a level, finding it's shortcuts and secrets, finding a hidden weapon, reaching the Demon and then striking them down, all of these things remind me of a time when games had to be finished in one sitting. Where you'd learn a level inside out, die at the next one, and eventually learn that one, until you manage to finish the game in one, glorious, sitting. And feel proud about it.

You won't finish Demon Souls in one sitting. In fact, 80 hour first playthroughs are common.

You will, however, experience the same feelings you had as an 8 year-old, sat in front a TV, in both awe and anticipation of what's coming next, hoping that this time round you'll get a little bit further than before. You will hear others brag about their achievements, you will brag to others about your achievements, discuss with them how to get passed tricky scenarios, learn tricks and tips from anywhere you can get it, and hear fabled stories of the strong and the bold, some who conquer the difficult levels easily, those that strike down a Demon without a scratch, and those that find items and secrets beyond anyone else's reach. It, essentially, turns you in to a school kid again, in the school yard, exchanging tales about your favourite game.

And, if this last paragraph has made you misty eyed with memories of years, games, and feelings so far away, then Demon's Souls is for you.

Get it, it's worth buying a PS3 for.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I have no soul

My life, my time, my soul, my blog has been sapped by the CRACK addiction that is Demon's Souls.

Can't stop any longer. I have Demons to slay, Souls to collect.

Saturday, November 07, 2009

RPG addictions

I don't know why, but for some reason, all I seem to be playing these days is some form or another of Role Playing Games. RPG that is. For those that might not know :p

RPGs aren't a genre I'm attracted to usually - particularly the classical D&D/Tolkienesque stuff, with it's hidden dice-rolling and the stats and random encounters and so on. I'm much more of a "here's a gun/axe/whip/Blades of Athena, now go get there while kicking as much arse as possible!" kinda of player.

BUT, it seems that in recent years the RPG has changed. Matured, or moved on if you like. Whether things have become simpler, or less-nerdy-more-fun, or whatever, it seems that the RPG, just like the Point and Click Adventure, is experiencing a bit of a renaissance, or coming of age.

At this current moment, I am playing no less than 5 RPGs! Some, I've been playing for ages (and will carry on playing so!), some I'm addicted to and can't stop playing.

Whether it's the awesome FPS/RPG hybrid Borderlands (great for coop!), the platform/RPG antics of Mario and Luigi 3, or the mind-boggling wastelands of Fallout 3. It's also the Diablo-esque, cartoony, click-your-life-away action RPG goodness of Torchlight, and also the utterly unique, compelling, hard as hell, you-will-die-100s-of-times Demon's Souls.

That last one warrants it's own, gushing entry later on.

For now, I've got Skagzilla's to kill, Mushrooms to collect, Father's to find, Cities to save, and one messed up Boletaria to try and sort out.

It's hard work!


I have work-acquired diarrhoea. Not very pleasant, my tummy rumbles a lot.

I also have had Adam all last night. So, it's either him keeping me up, or my tummy keeping me up. All in all, I've slept about 3 hours. In between that time, I've either had to keep Adam entertained or had to go to the toilet.

As for when both things had to be done at the same time - DON'T ASK.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Has it been that long?

I just realised that my last blog post was 15th of October. That long!!

It's really because I've been kept very busy by a slew of AAA titles, gaming and movies etc, that require immediate and complete attention!

Of course last month I saw DrD again after 9 years, and it was great catching up and seeing Verona at the same time!

Gaming wise, I've been kept busy by a ton of stuff. The utterly fantastic Batman Arkham Asylum (a must for ANY gamer out there, play it play it!), the sadistic dungeon running of Demon's Souls, the Diablo-esque cartoony madness of Torchlight, and of course the coop antics of Borderlands, a game we've been looking forward to for ages.

Of course, I haven't even touched on Uncharted 2, the upcoming Left4Dead 2, and Brutal Legend. It's just too much!

We recently watched UP, a beautiful, heart-rendering story of a man's quest to fulfil his late wive's dreams. Pixar animated films are really reaching a stride here, both visually and in story telling. We were also VERY spooked out by Paranormal Activity, the film that's taking the states (and soon the world) by storm!
Reportedly costing $15,000 to make (it was filmed with a handheld cam in the director's home), the film was made in 2007 and didn't really find a publisher until it luckily landed in Steven Spielberg's hands, who couldn't finish watching it because of how scary it was!

Watch it.

The new PC is behaving itself beautifully. That's a story for another post, as it's my first foray into the world of ATI crossfire AND overclocking. More on that later - promise!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Look who I'm with

The one and only!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

I'm alive

Quick one.

In the last five days, I've worked 56 hours; ie I'm f***ed

More about the PC later :)

Friday, October 02, 2009

Let's Build A PC™ - Part Deux

Welcome back.


17:55 - my hands have been aching all day today. Plus am really, really tired (slept at 4am, can't remember much of the BrĂĽtal Legend demo tbh). Also, received the PSP Go today (more on that later!).
Currently - PSU, hard drives, VGAs, and sound card installed. Need to install DVD/BluRay drives and then wire everything up.

19:42 - I "think" everything is connected. The case has 6 (!!) fans to power, and being a bit obsessive I've given each one it's own seperate molex. There are 3 HDDs and 2 Optical Drives, giving a total of 11 molex/sata power cables. Luckily, almost all of them I managed to tuck behind the cable management tray.

20:23 - The moment every PC builder dreads - the first power on......

20:24 - The moment every PC builder dreads even more - the power on that makes a horrible noise, like a fan is hitting a loose cable. Must investigate

20:44 - a cable was hitting one of the VGA fans. According to the BIOS, all drives are detected and the CPU fans/temps are fine (27 degree idle?!). No idea Re: timing/voltages/overclocking, something I've never done before.
Time to connect all the USBs and try to install Win 7.

In other words, let the software war begin!!!

21:54 - WE ARE LIVE!! This is a Windows 7 x64 blog, from the new PC!
I did the brave (foolish) thing of closing everything up and assuming it's all ok. Till now, all the hardware is there but no drivers.
Will go now for an hour or so to watch Peep Show and talk to the missus. Last few updates and a couple of pics later.


22:48 - Installing VGA/Sound drivers. Not sure I can keep this up any longer, am tired, and am working 13 hour shifts both days this weekend. I might hit the sack with the PSP - Pinball Fantasies is out on it today!!!!

SO - Good night for now. Pics and more tomorrow!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

Let's Build A PC™

Yes, yes hello!!!

First of all, before we start building the damn machine, I have some AMAZING news!

Our great, great, and totally awesome friend DrD, aka Chalabione, aka Yazen The Great has been sent on a super secret double-0 mission to Verona, Italy. He landed there last night, and will be staying there for 3 weeks.

BUT - here's the awesome news: I begged the bosses that I can have two days off, and they agreed! SO, on Thursday the 15th I'll be flying off to Italy to meet DrD and catch up on nine years' worth of news. Man oh man I CANNOT WAIT!!!!

And now.........

Let's Build A PC™

This, in true good delicious tradition, is a blog in progress, aka I'll update it regularly as I proceed, so keep refreshing for the latest!


21:00 - My brother has been on the phone for the last 30 minutes or so. Once he's done, we'll get going!

21:35 - He's finished! Now just need to move a few save games and make sure the steamapps folder is backed up (wouldn't wanna loose any game progress eh?) and then it's upgrade time.

21:48 - WHERE THE HELL DOES RIDDICK STORE IT'S SAVE GAMES ON WINDOWS 7?!!! And don't say in the appdata folder, I've looked. grrrrrrrrrrrrr!

21:59 - found it, it's in Appdata\Roaming .. damn you Atari/Starbreeze!!

22:00 - leave me alone Twitterati! I need to build!

22:13 - some specs (and a pic) - Mobo: Asus Rampage II Extreme. CPU: Intel i7 920. RAM: 6x2gb Corsair DDR3 XMP + fan. VGA: 2xATI HD 5870 in crossfire. CPU cooler: Noctua NH-U12P (thanks @anmarmansur)

22:43 - This Antec 1200 case is one sexy mofo. It's huge as well!

22:52 - OMG, Asus I heart you! The ROG mobo is extremely slick and beautifully packaged and with a great manual and a CD full of fully licensed software!

23:04 - just installed the 6 memory sticks. I say sticks, they're more like blocks :p
And from now on pics will be crappy, macbook webcam snaps - sorry!

23:27 - Turns out the RAM has an "airflow fan". Installed, it looks like this (techpower picture, not mine!)

00:10 - Struggling to assemble the Noctua fan. Yes, assemble, not even install :|

01:10 - OK so I assembled the Noctua, but I'm sure it's defective. No matter what I try, it just doesn't install securely over the CPU and is loose and not in contact.

01:32 - Of course it was ME that is defective :p I was attaching some pieces the wrong way round, hence preventing the fan from proper installation. I figured it out in the end, and now I'm going to email Noctua an apology ;)

01:45 - and here it is folks, one hell of a huge fan. If I install the RAM fan I'll just end up obstructing the CPU airflow, so I'll give it a miss

02:24 - Crappy picture aside, both GPUs and the Soundblaster (PCI-ex XFI) are installed. Time to rip the PSU out and install it here.

03:15 - My back aches. My bum aches. My hands are sore. I have two cuts. To get the PSU out (Thermaltake 1500w) I had to gut the entire old PC. PSU now in new case, and so are the hard drives.

Will call it a day/night/morning now, and will hit the sack to wake up in 4 hours time... but only after I check out the BrĂĽtal Legend demo :D

More on the build tomorrow. Thanks for listening!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Upgrade Update 2

Got an email from just now - stuff despatched, arriving tomorrow before 12pm.

Dammit, just one day after my holiday finishes - am back at work tomorrow, and working all damn weekend :(

At least I know what I'll be doing tomorrow evening - see you then!

Bats is having a bad day

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Upgrade Update

Due to silliness, I now have the VGA card(s? :p) but nothing else. Probably won't get everything else till Thursday.

If I'm really, really, REALLY lucky (and the retailer is even more efficient), I'll get the stuff tomorrow so I can build on my last day off. Otherwise, it's Thursday.

More when we have it ;)

Sunday, September 27, 2009


This one's for you, DrD - you're always asking me to keep the blog up to date with hardware upgrades ;)

Hopefully this Wednesday I'll have all the components for an upgrade. I'll also be moving to a full-tower case, having used minis/midis for the last 9 years.

Funnily enough, this isn't my first full tower. My very first AT machine (a PS/2 286) was a full tower with a big massive red on/off switch. Bless.

Details, specs, and maybe even build photos later. Stay tuned!

Monday, September 21, 2009

The Artful Dodger

Honest guv, I'll sell you 2 for the price of 3.....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Off The Grid


I probably haven't sat down and blogged properly for AGES. By the way, ever noticed that AGES is the reverse of SEGA? just a thought ;)

Anyhow, tomorrow we're off on a week-long break up to our favourite place, The Lake District. Specifically, The Swan Hotel, where we got engaged and married. It's a lovely 4 star hotel in the country that's just great fun to stay in.

Will be off the grid for the majority of time up there - will probably tweet/check twitter via iPhone but that's about it :)

We'll also pass by Manchester to see my brother, his new son (who's a few weeks older than Adam), and my mum who's up there now. Also, I wanna show my nephews who's king at Guitar Hero!!

So, till we meet again, adios amigos!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Level 10

I just found out about the Thermaltake Level 10, perhaps the sexiest full tower case you will ever see.

Designed by BMW USA with Thermaltake to celebrate their 10th anniversary, the Level 10 is one hell of a revolution.

It's not easy to describe, so the best thing is for you to just head on over to the official site.

It's also not cheap, at $650 retail, and may well be limited production.

Damn it do I really want one!

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

District 9

Just back from District 9

It probably is one of the best sci-fi movies I have seen in recent memory, perhaps ever.

Seriously. I can't hype this movie enough.

PLEASE watch it.

Super Mario - Arabic Style!

Monday, September 07, 2009


DeathSpank is a new game, by the legendary dude that is Ron Gilbert.

You might not recognise the game, but the man is the grandfather of a lot of iconic Lucasarts games, like Zak McCracken, Indy, and a lesser known game that's called Monkey Island. Along with the other legendary dude, Tim Schafer, he kept us laughing and entertained for years.

And DeathSpank is his brandspanking (pun intended) new game. And it's a mix between an RPG (diablo-like) and an adventure game.

I'll leave it to this joystiq article here to pique your interest. Make sure you read it all, and watch the video.

My favourite quote:

"They call me Eubrick the Retired. Formerly Eubrick the Bitter. Formerly Eubrick the Undefeated. Formerly Eubrick the Bastard of Hillhaven. Formerly Sally the Stable Girl. And formerly Eubrick the Bedwetter."

Thursday, August 27, 2009


ho ho ho, you dirty minded bastards!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Night 7

09:49 - It's all over!!!!!!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Night 6

All Systems Go!!!!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Night 5

00:24 - loneliness, a good thing!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Night 4

Welcome to Rapture!

Monday, August 17, 2009

Night 3

07:12 - java!!!!

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Night 2

The drive home...

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Night 1

05:40 - feet up in the mess.
And yes, I'm on nights.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Oh. My. God.

Ever tried Guitar Hero on Expert? Too simple?

How about solving not one, but TWO Rubik Cubes while you're at it?

Pffffffft. I do that every day! Just like the dude below.

Watch it and weep.

Friday, August 07, 2009

I had to subscribe to EDGE

EDGE being a magazine that's popular in the UK. It's a multiformat games magazine, but it's a bit too "posh" and harsh for my liking.

STILL - they had an offer I couldn't refuse: subscribe, and you get a limited edition poster made by pixel artist extraordinaire, Army Of Trolls.

So I subscribed. And a week or so ago, the poster arrived. I took it to the neighbours (who happen to run a professional framing service) and today they delivered it to me all framed up.

It's now hanging proudly in my den (read games/computer room).

The poster is a celebration of everything gaming, and features scenese/characters/locations for loads of famous and not-so-famous games. Everything from Doom's Cacodaemon to Dr Kawashima's smiling face, to the Katamari-rolling prince is included here. It couldn't be any more appropriate for the room :)

Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Hello everyone.

I hope you're all ok.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Korg Kaossilator

I have just ordered one of these beauties. To think that one small box can come up with all this magic!

I will become the next Jean-Michel Jarre by the way!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Living With First-Person Shooter Disease

Poor people!

Hitler finds out Michael Jackson has died

Choir simulates a storm

Dear God, the talent is just phenomenal....

The song is Africa by ToTo

Sunday, July 12, 2009

haha (and new blog layout)

Yes I've simplified the blog template - this is pure and simple.

Reason? Removes the stupid width limitation in this column, and widens the side column significantly :)

Hence, I can post comics like this (and bigger youtube vids etc etc)

Thursday, July 09, 2009

Office 2010 The Movie - World Premiere Trailer!

OMG OMG OMG I can't wait!!!

Thursday, July 02, 2009

Double Fine Cotton 100%

Apologies to any none-medics/none-healthcare workers that might read this and wonder what the hell it's all about.

I recently had to venture in to the deep, dark, murky waters of The Theatres. You don't really want to go to The Theatres unless A\ you're mad, B\ you're fully anaesthetised, or C\ you work there (which really is part of point A).

There is one small exception, and that's if you have to do something to someone that involves the help of an anaesthetist. That was my predicament that day.

As part of the rules and laws of The Theatres, anyone entering it's lands has to change in to the appropriate clothes. Well, you could call them clothes but really they're just blue pyjamas, with a paper like thing you put around your head.

Anyway, there I was in the changing room feeling out of place when I noticed a strange phenomenon: hanging all over the place were clothes from various surgeons who were in The Theatres at the time. Nothing unusual there, except for the fact that every single one of them was hung in such a way that you could clearly see the labels:

Extra-fine double Egyptian Cotton 100% said one label! Luxury D&G said the other! DKNY said the other one, Christian Dior was on the next one! George from ASDA was on mine.

And it suddenly dawned upon me - surgeons have a big image problem.

See, outside of The Theatres you'll only ever see a surgeon in one of two states:

A\ Fully dressed in expensive designer gear. The suite, the handkerchief, the shirt, and probably even the knickers.

B\ Wearing those silly blue pyjamas that you should only wear in The Theatres. Complete with headgear; and, in extreme cases, wearing the facemask as well, trendily slipped down to the neck. This enhances ones state of appeal (and probably penis size) considerably.

This last state is understandable - they all want everyone else to go "ooooooh!, there goes Mr Surgeon! Off to save more lives!" and for young pretty girls to get all hot and sweaty and faint as they pass by.

The first state always bemused me. Why would you be so poshly dressed, if half the time you're just gonna take it all off and slip into the pyjamas? The Theatres sure doesn't let you stay all suited and booted, so why bother?

And the changing room answered that question. In The Theatres, wearing your pyjamas doesn't mean anything - everyone is wearing them. In fact, everyone from the person who's job it is to make sure the floor is clean, to the professor who visits once a month from Mars. In other words, no one knows who's who.

BUT - hang your clothes up in the changing room in a special way, making sure the expensive designer label is clearly visible to all, and hey presto instant kudos! You'll be the talk of The Theatres, and you'll stand out from the crowd!

I'm sure people working in The Theatres can tell who's around just by the labels on show in the changing room. "Oh look, a Christian Dior shirt! Mr Fantasic Surgeon must be operating!". No, scratch that, I'm sure that's what the surgeons think is happening when someone sees their shirts.

Luckily, the physicians on the other hand don't seem to have this image problem. In a very unscientific and crude study I've been doing, I've yet to see one single medical registrar wearing anything other than a shirt and tie. It's probably akin to the desperate title changing that happens the moment someone becomes a MRCS (google it). The speed with which their badge is changed from "Dr" to "Mr" is phenomenal....

It's all about the image.

Next time you're walking down the corridor and you see someone in a fancy suite, do me a favour. Ask them if their a surgeon and you can bet your life savings that they are. Compliment their choice of clothes and they'd probably show you the inside label.

Oh, and if they're carrying a shoulder manbag, don't even bother asking!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


The recent tragic death of Michael Jackson has sparked a range of reactions around the world. Loyal fans believe the music has died, others believe that Michael was dead 15 years ago, turning in to a ghost all these years.

What almost everyone agrees on however, is the talent that the world has lost.

While I'm no Loyal fan (I only own his Number Ones album), I did grow up listening to his music, and I greatly admired him as a performer. As the world is taken over by Jackson-mania (funny how no one would admit being a fan when he was alive. Death is always kinder to artists), it's difficult to go anywhere without hearing or seeing his music.

I was sad when it all happened. Thanks to this interconnected world, news can spread within seconds. Tragedies can unfold infront of millions of eyes (remember September 2001?), and news as big as Jackson's collapse probably reached the media before it reached his family.

It was posted on a twitter feed I follow on what was a quiet Thursday night. Staying up till 4 am watching BBC news live, I heard the confirmation of death and even saw his body wrapped in white, being taken over to the cold slab at the Coroner's Office. It was very saddening to witness, whether the body was that of Michael Jackson, or of anybody, the new digital age can poke in to the most personal and undignified of moments, and we like to watch with morbid fascination.

As the world started finding out about his death, people were posting their reactions all over the web. Facebook was flooded with statuses mouring the man, and the usual comments about paedophilia, bankruptcy, plastic surgery, etc etc came in and were not that unexpected. After all, the allegations surrounding him were never really shaken off.

But it's the other backlash that caught me off guard. The backlash from almost anyone Iraqi on my friends list. Comments were posted about how "100s are dying in Iraq, why are you bothered about this one person" or "don't forget our beloved country" or "people in Iraq are dying in a worse way every day". Accusations that presume that any Iraqi sad that Michael Jackson has died has automatically betrayed his or her country. An accusation that is hugely unfair.

I can't really remember the day when I haven't thought about the tragedy that is Iraq. Be it either in the back of my mind, or when I get asked where I'm from by patients at work, or, worse still, when I'm listening to music and a song comes on that a dead (killed) friend liked. Something that almost always makes me tearful.

Or perhaps when I email my dad, or text him. I'm instantly reminded of what happened to us last year. If I don't email or text him, I get pangs of dread that I haven't heard from him and something might have happened.

So yes, I do remember Iraq. I remember the tragedies and they sadden me. I've lost close, close friends who have died unfairly young, and our family has been a victim of horrible crime there. That doesn't mean I can't be sad that an artist has died. It doesn't mean that I can't show that support, or talk about it publically.

Being Iraqi is already a tough job. Before 2003 people would look at you like you're a neo-nazi, after 2003 you automatically get pseudo-sympathy from people you've known for minutes, telling you about how sad the situation is there. While I proudly tell people where I'm from if asked, I always brace myself not to wince when the inevitable "oh, we're so sorry about what's going on there" comes along. I know it is, and I don't want to be reminded of what it REALLY means to be affected by it.

We're all used to this now, those of us living outside of Iraq. What we're not used to though is these accusations by our fellow Iraqis. It seems that as the country is in a tragedy, it's taboo to be concerned about something else. Any public show of sympathy towards anything else other than Iraq is deemed a misjustice.

It's funny though, because all these people are outside of Iraq. All of them are in another country, having left their alleged beloved Iraq. And all of them are counting the days until they get another passport. I remember when you were all back in Iraq, and how you just couldn't wait to leave. You weren't that passionate back then, and you're not that passionate now. At least I have the decency not to fake it.

Yes I'm sad Michael Jackson has died, and I'm not ashamed to show it. I am ashamed about this fake Iraqi royalty, and I'm ashamed to know anyone who does it.


Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson RIP

In what has to be the saddest news of recent memory, Michael Jackson has been confirmed dead today from what appears to be a fatal heart attack. He was only 50.

Controversial or not, the man's amazing contribution to music and popular culture is immeasurable. His impact was huge.

We were lucky to have lived in an age where we witnessed such talent and contribution.

Rest in Peace Michael - never forgotten.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

So how do you pronounce GIF?

First of all - more about Adam later - don't kill me!

Now - how do you pronounce GIF?

I'm sure you do what a lot of us do - pronounce it like GIFt. With a hard G. Makes sense really, it is afterall gift minus a T.

Problem is, it's pronounced JIF. Which sucks.

Other problem is, here's why it's pronounced JIF. Sucks again.

Let's hope no one tells me next that jpeg isn't pronounced jay-peg. The world will never be the same.