Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


The 6th of July was my birthday. I'm 29. Sucks.
Now that's out the way :p Kelly came over that day and brought me a million and one things!

First off, was of course a nice card.
Then, she gave me a bag full of goodies!
3 T-Shirts, some converse All Star shoes (you know the ones that basketball players used to wear and emos still wear!), a VERY BIG bottle of martini bianco, but... the shocker came in the little box at the bottom of the bag..

It was something I had mentioned aeons ago, it was something that me and Ziad had looked longingly at but never bought it cos we were too cheap :) I have no clue where she found it and how the hell she even remembered that I wanted a VICTORINOX Cybertool 34!
The Swiss Army Knife for geeks, this one has everything you'd need to dismantle any computer, for your old spectrum to the supercray. The best gift I've had ever!

And what did I get her for her birthday. Erm, a nurses watch that looked like a heart and had a little Eeyore on it. That's it, nothing else. HOW SAD.

Oh, and she took me out for dinner and baked me a cake!

So THANK YOU SO MUCH Kelly. Now I go dismantle my PC just for fun :)


Anonymous said...

Hi S.O.B .. congratulations on your 29th birthday, one more year to enter the league ;)... sorry for being late, but the real world had me for the last days, hope i can re-enter the matrix soon, and have some fragcake with u, u seem to have a real carring girl on ur side, be good and make her ur wife .. time for some upgrades and handhelds dude .. hope u enjoyed ur birhtday and hope to c ya soon ...
yours truly

Anonymous said...

Hi S.O.B .. congratulations on your 29th birthday, one more year to enter the league ;)... sorry for being late, but the real world had me for the last days, hope i can re-enter the matrix soon, and have some fragcake with u, u seem to have a real carring girl on ur side, be good and make her ur wife .. time for some upgrades and handhelds dude .. hope u enjoyed ur birhtday and hope to c ya soon ...
yours truly

Anonymous said...

Dear Ali,
Happy birthday, wishing you another 100 years to come.
Send my regards to your mother first, to kelly (whom I do not know but she seems to be nice and caring girl) and to your brother & his family.

SoB said...

yo nw,
thanks men. hope life's eased off on you now. Time to take the pill and come back to the kitchen ;)

and anonymous, thank you very much and I will say hi to my mum and brother, but who are you?


Anonymous said...

Dear Ali,
How is mother? How is her health? Would you like to know me? Have a guess? who would care about you all ( Mother, Father & brothers- see the 's' in the end of brothers!!!).?

A. Damluji said...

heeeey congrats SoB-san!

29 eh, as a guy i know says:

to health and wealth and time to enjoy!


:D me out.

SoB said...

yo dude
glad you're back

just read then-some too

have fun - you still in jordan?

and more importantly, you still gaming?

SoB said...

and anonymous

i take it your family is made up of mum and dad and only brothers :D no sisters. I can only think of 2 people, Abbas Hashim, and Khala Um Hazim's family.

am I right? I bet not

Anonymous said...

Dear Ali,
Yoy are getting near!!
You have not told me about your mother health, is she OK?
Best wishes to you ALL

SoB said...

To Anonymous,
I still don't know you. By brother(s) do you mean me and my brother, and our half-brothers?
My mum's health is ok-ish. she recently had major surgery to her back and might need to have some more, for a prolapsed disc. Otherwise she's keeping well.

So, are you Hazim? I think you are cos I know that he knows this blog address.

Anonymous said...

علاوي الوردة

تحية طيبة و بعد

كيف الصحة و الامور ، و كيف صحة الوالدة و صحة عمر و اهله، اخبارنا تعيسة و لا تبشر بخير و خاصة منطقتنا من النفق الى حد بيتكم، حيث المحلات تغلق بين الساعة 3-5 عصراً، و ترى الشارع فارغ ، و ليس فيه اي نوع من الحياة.
اخبار والدك انه بصحة جيدة و بخير، و انه مدير عام في الموصل و مرتاح ، و انه بين الحين و الاخر ياتي لزيارتنا و خاصة عندما ياتي الى بغداد للاجتماعات في وزارته.

علاوي لي استفسار ( لكونك خبير بهذه الامور – و عندك اصدقاء و معارف يمكن الاستفسار منهم ) ،
السؤال هو:- عندما افتح Internet Explorer ، و تظهر الواجهة اما yahoo او google او اي شئ اخر ، و عندما اريد ان اعمل Search بالعربي ، و بعد الضغط على EN و تحويله الى AR ، و ابدأ بالكتابة ( يجب ان تكون الكتابة عربية ) ، و لكن الكتابة ليست عربية !!! ، ما هو سبب هذه الظاهرة ؟ و هل نستطيع مساعدتي بتصليحها؟
اخبارنا – الوالدة شلل نصفي و مقعدة في الفراش و ان نفسيتها تعبانة جداً – و اسر و بسمة في كندا قد هاجروا منذ 7/10/2005- و انهم مرتاحين جدا – اما باسم فانه مع صقر في عمان – في مستشفى الحسين للامراض السرطانية – و ان صقر يستجيب الى الدواء – سعد و زوجته و اطفاله في مصر منذ 2004- انا و استاذ امجد في بيت ابي الان. اوس سوف تطلع نتائجه البكالوري ( سادس علمي) و حمزة اصبح الان في الصف الثالث متوسط . اما انا فسوف اذهب الى مؤتمر الى الصين في 7-12/8/2006، لقراءة بحث علمي
(Technical Paper) ، حيث قبل هناك.
و في الختام تحياتي الى ماما و عمر و كيلي ( ملعون اين وجدتها – انها تحبك جدا و ميته عليك!!! فحاقظ عليها).


You are very clever Doc>

SoB said...


I knew it :p

Check your emails please :)

Anonymous said...

Hello sob
Happy birthday my friend ,

--about your friend's problem , the solution is to remove google's search bar from control panal/Add-Remove Programs, this will make him write arabic words in explorer

Have fun
salah - UAE

SoB said...

hey tron,

thanks man! and glad you still have some good-delicious burger now and then :p

Am amazed you could understand Hazim's question cos for me the english words were in the wrong position between the arabic text, so I couldn't understand what the problem was.

Hazim, try what Salah says and tell us if it helps :)

Anonymous said...

علاوي و صلاح الورود

عباقرة انتم - شكرا على الحل السحري، كنت افرمت اذا لم تنحل المشكلة.

تلاحظوا الان استطيع الكتابة باللغتين
Ali & Salah
Big THANKS to you both, you solved my problem finally, I was nearly formatting my PC.
Thanks again


SoB said...

Ah. All the cred and kudos goes to Salah, aka Tron, but more importantly, aka HACKERS :)

Thanks Salah for fixing this.

I had nothing to do with it at all :)
