Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

An Apology

to anyone regularly checking this page and sighing when they see the last news update was more than 10 days ago.
Not having broadband is such a cripple, and I literally use the net once or twice a day for 10 or so minutes. I'll be back in speed early next month where I can feed the addiction yet again.

thanks for your patience.

Saturday, October 16, 2004


Oh the luxuries of having broadband... being back in London for the weekend, I have the pleasure in using my secondary box which isn't that powerful but happens to be linked to a big fat 2mbit line. Oh bliss.......
Also, google inc have finally openned froogle for the UK public. Froogle is google's retail search engine, it was launched in the states and it's a great search engine for the cheapest deals. Lots of websites exists like this but froogle is from the biggest search engine company, so it was quite good at what it does. It also shows you what the latest searches have been from other frooglers, hence giving you some gift ideas etc.
As this site is hosted on the google network, I wanted to advertise their new uk froogle service. Perhaps one of them is reading and gives me 1000 free shares in the company? Fingers X-ed.
I'm also VERY hungry. It's 14:48 here and there's still another 3 hours and 20 minutes (200 minutes, 12000 seconds) till futoor (eating time). Ramadhan may be cool but the colder it gets, the more hungry I do.
Till then, good-delicious.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004




you're the only real superhero. As Bill put it in Kill Bill, he was the only one of the superheroes to wear human clothes to hide himself, and not the opposite way round.

So here's a small tribute to Christopher Reeve from all the millions of 80's children that grew up dreaming of being like him.

Monday, October 11, 2004

Ground Control to Major SoB

Ok, so I stole the title from David Bowie's classic, but who cares.
Just realised it's been ages since I updated good-old-good-delicious (sorry). Been dead busy recently, first with exams (still no results. 80% of me says fail though :), then had to do night shifts (silly things from 9pm to 9am, they do your head in). Also got a few things that needed ironing out with my "Special friend"
Now that's all sorted out (I hope), I'll try to make more of an effort to be around here more.
On another note, Nintendo is releasing it's NDS handheld on 04/11/04 in the USA. I might just pre-order it from as it ships for free :)
That's it for now. Gonna go try reset my internal clock to the normal sleep-at-night-wake-in-the-morning routine that's so popular these days.
Till later y'all