Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I broke my iPad 2

As in, properly broke it. It fell, right on to the only tiled floor in the house. It also fell face down, so the full force of the impact was taken by it's beautiful, beautiful screen.

Here's what it looks like now. It still works, which is amazing if you ask me. Luckily, it's insured. But still, it felt like I'd dropped my newborn child.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

Different by design

Now that Adam is almost 2 years old, we're having to carry him loads more than before. Yes, ironic I know but he's in that terrible clingy-tantrumy phase that just sucks.

Anyhow, this extra carrying has made me notice something: A big difference between how men and women carry children. I first noticed it on Kelly, and I've been looking close at every woman I see carrying a child, and I noticed that all of them carry babies different to how a man would.

To best demonstrate this, I took some pictures.

EXHIBIT ONE: This is how men carry children: Notice our forearm acts a seat for the child's bum, all his weight is carried on your forearm. Hard work.

EXHIBIT TWO: This is how women carry children: note how Kelly's arm is around Adam's back, his bum is actually seated on her hips. By design, women have wider/more stick out hips than we do, and this is used to great effect when carrying a child. His weight is almost all taken by the hip, rather than the arm.

This wider hip is a design genius really, it's there to give space to an ever-growing gravid uterus; to make the pelvis wider to give birth to the foetus; and it turns out it's also a great perch for kids to be carried on.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

SpaceChem Challenge: In-Place Swap (single reactor solution)

You either get it or you don't. I sure hope you do :)

Saturday, May 07, 2011