Mortal KomBat
Now you were either a MK boy or a SF boy. You couldn't possibly like both. That's just wrong.
Those of you in the SoB club (ie MK fans) would remember the seminal (and greatest) MK3, and especially it's rumoured fatalities, babalities, animalities, and friendships.
Codes and tips on how to do fatalities and all that would circulate in magazines, rumours of long and elaborate rules to get one thing done were usual. Of course, it was great fun once you found a code that actually worked. I personally used to know Kung Lao's shredding fatality: FORWARD, FORWARD, BACK, DOWN, HIGH PUNCH.
Anyhow, some one on the ever entertaining youtube has posted a video with ALL possible MK3 fatalities, babalities, animalities, and friendships. Enjoy this 8 minute medley of gory, shocking, and now crap animations. Still a great game though :)
India, you might like this - what with all your old SNES magazines you used to bring with loads of codes in them.
Komat = KomBat
spelling mistype.
oh, that was me btw, the merzouga man.
Ryu can shoryuken Liu Kang's end any day o'the week!
still, MK (2D variants ONLY) is a GREAT game, innovative, and ohhhhh why did they have to go make MK4 :'((
i loved MK2, saw in '95 i think, then i chanced upon SFII port on Amiga (yeah, THAT late), and converted almost overnight! :D
Happy Nooo Year, friend, take care and salam to all!
p.s. i too was shocked bout dr. Khalil.. God have mercy on him and his son and on all of us.
Go away you SF2 freak :p
MK3 FTW!!!1!
ps, the PSP can now officially emulate PS1 (sony done a great emulator), but someone hacked it and now we can play any ps1 game on the psp (it was meant to be for official ps1 games released via the ps3 store)..
so, recommend some for me...... was playing Rollcage the other day, remember that?
no Final Fantashit please, just cool fun games (like einhander)
oh and no metal gear either :p
mmmm.."wipe3out: special collector's edition" -or something-
and "wipeout 2097 / wipeout XL"
i recommend the 2097/XL, it has the prodigy on the OST AND its the most original in the series :D
but still.. you have wipeout pure on psp..dunno how it is tho..
ugh. no mgs?
hmmm..then oooh "R4 : ridge racer type 4", the last one on PS1, was niiice
rollcage! me like me like! there was supposed to be a rollcage 2 i think? not sure..
R-Type Delta, Einhander :p
Parappa the Rapper!
Um Jammer Lammy!
lemme remember more..
Dance Dance Revolution
Vigilante 8, Devil Dice, Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo,
MK Trilogy (you gonna love it!)
many more, but i cant activate my brain for this long.. will be back :D
OMG someone has been listening to my prayers, MK2 is being released online on PS3 :D
one more reason to get it!
erm, someone answered your WET DREAMS then when they made Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting on XBOX LIVE ages ago. Of course, online matches is included in the price....
so there, X360 FTW
as does iPhone
and Wii
and SoB FTW too :p
well.. they said it wasnt too good, on gamespot they did.. something bout synchronisation between the 360 and the main server.. something along those lines..
and i tend to believe what gamespot people preach..
still, 360's niiiice, but, me SONY fanboy, SONY FTW, BillGates(TM) FTL, AND me think get ALL consoles..
not just now, mind you! some years when they're all priced at 200$ or less :D
they (gamespot) said IT (SFII HYPER FIGHTING, not the X360) wasnt too good etc etc.
dont rip me a new one just for being vague :D
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