Scaredy Cat!
Not sure how authentic this is, but it sure is funny :)
2 Japanese guys playing Biohazard 2 on their PS1 (put right by A13, ta!), and are SHIT SCARED of the whole thing!
Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.
Not sure how authentic this is, but it sure is funny :)
2 Japanese guys playing Biohazard 2 on their PS1 (put right by A13, ta!), and are SHIT SCARED of the whole thing!
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:D the guy is hilarious!
"AAAAH! oh its just a Zombie-ka!"
hitting the start button annoyed the shit out of me.. this guy plays with his thumb on the start rather on the fire button.. ugh.
that's Biohazard2, on PS1, very good game, but not as good as the third!
here's to RE5! cheers!
I thought the start button thing was funny :D
You HAVE played the excellent Resident Evil 4 right?
I hope RE5 is the same. I don't like RE1 to 3, but 4 was friggin' amazing.
RE Umbrella Chronicles is a Wii only on-rails shooter! Early gameplay by the media suggests that it's shit.
RE4 was the first time for me in the 'Evil series where i refused to use any kind of outside help, because i feared the game would end too soon.. FRIGGIN AWESOME like you said! oh i love it.. i still refuse to play the mercenaries minigame cuz if i do i'll have no more resident evil. i wont till i have a sequel on hand.. (i'm crazy yes, its the same reason i REFUSE to complete the Shogun series, REFUSE to watch 24 season5, and many other things.. i'd rather have an "incomplete" game than have none. crazy i know)
the start button thing WAS funny but i mean, you are supposed to KILL OR EVADE, not do an impression of an ostrich!
also, this is why i still think the OUTBREAK series was genius, when you went to item menu, the game still went on, no pause, you still could die so you had to be on your toes all the time!
resident evil is 11 years old by now, i want 11 more years, the same or better!
i'm ranting too much by now, but i love this game! (p.s. the original Silent Hill owned all Resident Evils up to 4)
:D thank you for this post! i really like RE! (and you :P)
read up on Umbrella Chronicles.. doesnt seem too exciting, but hey, at least you have the Wiimote-edition RE4 lined up? i mean, hey, its an ancient game yes, but it does sound interesting if you already have the console..
(btw Chris Redfield can Kick Leon's butt! WAHOO RE5 CHRIS REDFIELD!)
'13.. u already know SoB is taken. So, go find urself another man to hit on :p... (*imagining a catfight between '13 and K*) lol
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