Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

RealSnakeHead is NOW ONLINE!!

Oh. My. God.

I didn't know when I wished that 2007 would be the gaming year (here) that my wish would come true!!

In what can only be explained by The God of Gaming smiling upon us, another good old friend has gotten an Xbox 360, and is online with it!

Yes, that's right, Haitham has gotten one too, despite him being adamant initially thath is PS3 was the only thing that mattered! (he's got a Wii too, so what a collection!). Suddenly one day he called me to say he's getting a 360 because he wants to play Pro Evolution Soccer 6 online!

And sure enough, today, me and him and Hani played online!!! you can only play 1v1 but we did some matches and chatted, and it was AWESOME! The gameplay was smooth as usual, and it was really really great talking and playing to old friends, just like we're in the same room.

Thank you Microsoft for creating the EXCELLENT Xbox 360, which really is player/community centred, and is a joy to use. NOW PLEASE PLEASE add camera support to all games, so then we can play, chat, and see each other!

So that's 3 new friends on live, Hani, Yazen, and now Haitham.

The next thing we're planning to do is a 4 player Worms deathmatch :)

I honestly hope that other friends will join us soon, it will be awesome if we can pull off an all-Iraqi Gears of War 8 player match :)

SoB - Happy


ThE RuSsIaN WoLf said...

ya khawat el $%(*$%(*.

If only i can convince myself that i CAN BE a console guy type of person, I would be definetly joining you guyz.
I think time will tell.

SoB said...

man you make it sound like it's an illness, owning a console :D

just go out, buy a 360 with a vga cable, and come join the fun :D

it's fucking great............

Anonymous said...

not a console guy type of person = married guy

SoB said...

yes tron, maybe that's it :)

A. Damluji said...

now if i only can convince myself to go spend my wedding money on an X360...
(i'm getting them ALL, i said that earlier)

congrats for the new case.. looks cool :)
you know what i wanna do once i get my ass to it? make the case go: "All systems go" or something once i power it on.. put a delayed recording inside the case.. somehow having XP say that to you is not the same..

A. Damluji said...

< img src="">

SoB said...


do a href link instead

INDIA said...

roflmao.. this is for all the '360 ppl to enjoy, and for all the PS3 ppl to grieve:

PS3 Song

SoB said...

heh looooooool
that was really cool......

" you say halo 3 doesn't worry you,
you've got killzone 2
but killzone one sucked,
who told you we want more" :D

A. Damluji said...

hah. '360 fanbois. humbug.

anyway, Yoshi's Island:

INDIA said...

umm, i ain't got me a '360!... YET!