NYC - Day 3
Hello :)
Lots of things going on today. We got in to Times Square at about 11:30 and decided to have Breakfast (Brunch?) in Planet Hollywood. The NY Planet Hollywood is one of the coolest I've seen, mainly cos it has massive screens all over the place.
We then went to The Rockefeller Center on 5th Avenue. It's a funny complex of lots of buildings, but the main attractions there are The Nintendo World shop, and "Top of The Rock", which is a 67th floor observatory. I bought some t-shirts and a really cool wallet from Nintendo (looks like a NES controller and comes in a great tin case resembling an NES cartridge!), then we went up to the top in a super fast lift. Was fun up there but gets boring quick cos there's so much you can see.
After that it was Katz's Deli, which is a very famous Deli in The Lower East Side. It is a huge place with loads of pictures of celebrities on the wall, and the most famous claim it has is that a famous scene from (When Harry Met Sally) was filmed there. On top of the table where they sat is a sign making you aware of it. They sell some really good pastrami sandwiches, and Kelly had a burger.
Then it was back to Time Square where we saw Grindhouse at The Empire AMC.
I loved Grindhouse (and so did Kelly). Planet Terror is more fun I think, mainly cos it's gory and just over the top cheesy. Death Proof is excellent also but in a Tarantino style, ie loads of long and sometimes meaningless conversations, but with some extra-witty narrative, and an explosive scene or two of pure action. The fake trailers in the middle are great, particularly the ultra-gory "Thanksgiving" by Eli Roth. Highly recommended provided you watch the trailer and promise yourself that you're not gonna expect anything more than trailer quality, b-movie, cheesy, gory, dodgy camera, missing reels (if you see it you'll see what I mean) kind of Hollywood.
Best thing about watching Grindhouse though was the American audience! They are loud, chatty, loads of "oooooohhhhs and aaaaaaaaahssssss" and "Jesus!!" when something really gory happens, and of course the mandatory applause and whistling when a baddy gets caught or taken down etc etc. Really added to the whole experience!
And that's about it for today. I've been trying to upload some pictures for the last 3 days but this leeched internet I'm using doesn't seem to be very happy. I'll try agiain tomorrow.
damn Europe for not being "familiar with Grindhouses, DAMN IT :((
yeah man, these Americans can sure watch a movie! They cheer for the good guys (especially in Death Proof), they make sick noises when something gory comes up, etc etc!
it really was a great experience, and the film was awesome too, you'll love it. Death Proof is a lot slower but has awesome car chases, and Planet Terror is just gore on speed!
I'll try to post some pics....
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