Today, after a four-and-a-half hour session, and a total of bloody 46 gameplay hours (waaay too long for me!), we finally managed to finish The Legend Of Zelda - Twilight Princess on the Wii!!
Don't get me wrong, it's a great game - awesome even, just too long. Mind you, absolutely non of it was boring, and some of the levels and dungeons were awe-inspiring in design.
Worst bit was the last boss battle, as in traditional Zelda style it wasn't just one battle and you're done, but more one boss merges into another etc. When you reach the stage that you're gonna chuck your Wiimote at the screen, you actually finish!
Twilight's final battle(s) were as follows: Zant (who goes from one previous boss location to the other, emulating how they fought you, so he was like 5 battles in one), then Ganon Puppet Zelda, then Ganondorf Dark Beast, then Gannondorf horse chase/battle, and then Gannondorf Sword Fight (toughest of them all). Remember, there's no saving or shit in between, so a booboo is a BIG booboo. Luckily, we managed it all in one go (we did have only 1 heart container left at the very end but who cares!).
So that's that. Zelda is done and dusted. Now to get Red Steel out of the way (shit game), then I want to get some new Wii goodies (Kororinopa, Eledees, Sonic and The Secret Rings, Mercury Revolution and Excite Truck). It's gonna be busy.
Congrats.. that feeling when u clock a game, is eternal and universal..
however, it itself has a couple of side-effects:
you feel sad that such a game has ended.
OK Sony fan boy... apparently u never played any Zeldas...
u c, no matter how much u enjoy Playing it, the satisfaction of clocking it is ALWAYS accompanied by uttermost knowledge that u never wanna c that "specific" Zelda again...
P.S. when the hell r u gonna get out of Amman??? r u at least trying to?
heh I agree India
they're so exhilirating and sometimes tiresome that you're sometimes just glad that you've done it all. To experience it again would not only be boring, but also dilute the first touch :)
and it's spelt FANBOI :p
Sony Fanboi, I like that loooool
not that we're nitendoheads or anything, far from it ;)
affirmative... fanboi it is.. lol
Man, i had such a good laugh at all my "Sony-fanboiSH" friends when i heard that 'Devil may cry 4' is gonna be a multi-platform release...
The game's fans (aka losers) actually went ahead and wrote a letter of complaint to Capcom expressing how they feel "left out" because of this action, thus r boycotting them!!! ... sheeshhhh... !!
and what's this shit about the '360 Elite's late summer Eu release date?!!! I can't wait that long :((
"P.S. when the hell r u gonna get out of Amman??? r u at least trying to?"
HELL YEAH I'M NOT JUST TRYING, but these things take time. arrrrgh.
and yes, i haven't played any Zelda. considering getting Ocarina of Time on Emulator.. remember? N64??
SONY FANBOI..has a nice ring to it.
SONY NutRider would fit the description much better, but that would get me kicked out of my own blog :))
thing is: i am WITH games appearing on all consoles, this way games sell much better, we ALL get a chance to play, AND i bet anyone's ass the sequel will be bigger, and better (in most cases)
sad tho when titles MIGRATE, i mean: the original FinalFantasy Migration, etc.
"To experience it again would not only be boring, but also dilute the first touch :)"
a possible exception would be the Resident Evil games, by the end you are soooo glad you finished the bugger, you take it for another spin with max upgraded weapons just to AVENGE yourself on the zombs who kicked your ass seven ways till sunday the first time, when you only had a knife and a lighter left.
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