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Thursday, March 22, 2007


We saw 300 today.

We were both disappointed by 300 today.

Why? cos all it is is ONE BIG FIGHT SCENE. True the gfx and fights are awesome, but that's about it. There's no plot to follow, no characters to relate to, and nothing that hooks you.

All you see is one fight, which finishes, and then guess what? another fight, and then another, ad nauseum.

Heck, one guy watches his son's head get chopped off in front of his own eyes and you feel nothing for the dad nor the boy. The characters are that distant.

Don't get me wrong, I know the film is just telling the story of a battle, but surely someone could have dramatised it a little bit, and actually made a SCREENPLAY. Even Sin City had more story than this, and that was about prostitutes and yellow men.

This film will appeal to 2 kinds of people, those that are die hard Frank Miller fans, and those that wet themselves thinking of Brad Pitt as Troy jumping up to kill the challenger and then saying "are there anymore" or something to that line. If you're in that camp then 300 is the best film ever made. It's just like that scene repeated for 1 hour and 57 minutes.

For those that like to actually follow a story, relate to a character, or actually like to listen to some dialogue now and then, stay clear. Watch Gladiator instead.


INDIA said...


that's what, I think, '13 is gonna say once he reads the post.

Still not out here, but I plan to see it, even though u've been extremely discouraging.

SoB said...


I reiterate: if you are one of those people that loves BIG MASSIVE fighting scenes, especially those of Greek or Roman myth, then you'd LOVE the film. If you want any kind of story, narrative, character building etc forget about it :)

I have another friend who loves it but only cos he's read the novel Gates of Fire, which is about the Spartan-Persian war.

A. Damluji said...




"It is advised that every carrier of a Y-chromosome march his ass to theaters this March for a lesson in bad-assery; the film adaptation of Frank Miller's 300 hits screens March 9 in the US. Those who do not attend do not deserve a penis."

:D that was from
Badass of the Month: Feb 07

honestly, like India said, i frothed a bit at the beginning of the post.. but then again, you did put conditions there, which are i think more or less very correct..

Unknown said...


No offence SoB but I think you are jealous of their physiques ^_^ Don't blame you though.....

Anarki13 re-quote was satisfying....