What time is that?
I have a confession: I am a gadget geek-addict-freak (whatever you want to call me). I like having new technology around the house, and love gadgets. I say that cos I just bought a binary watch. I think whoever designed this made it specifically for anyone old (and geeky) enough to have used C:\DOS\DEBUG.EXE
Now, can anyone guess what time it is on the picture?
ps: TurboDebugger ruled
well done whoever you are!
have you got one or was it some clever binary decoding :)
>u 0100 0200
no i don't have one
but it is easy for computer freaks to guess the time in this watch :)
haha! I should've guessed it was you, seeing that you're the only one that reads the blog these days!
how are you? are you in uae now? and how's married life?
i'm fine thanks , and yes i'm in uae ,Yallah come and visit us again man!
I would LOVE to, but waiting until DubaiLand opens so I can see that too. I haven't been abroad since last July (busy and shit) but need to travel next year :)
Take care until next BLOG
didnt cheat i swear to God.
nice thing but does suffer from mild waste in the upper row LEDs.
can't count beyond 12,
or 2^4 to the max. thass 16 right? (actually 15 if you count 0000 as the first number. which you should. this IS a binary-sys watch after all!)
what if someone did one that did the count in hexa?
seeing A:D on the clock face would be VERY cool. (at least for me! D is both my last name and 13 in Hexa! hehe)
I don't understand what you mean about the upper row? all you need is 4 leds, for the 12 hours of the day. It doesn't tell am from pm though, and it can't do 24 hour clock (which would've been cool).
I'm sure if you dig deep enough you'll find a hexadecimal watch somewhere. A:F:B would rock, my inititals :)
yes yes you need FOUR LEDS to count to 12, but you will still have 13,14,15 as a MILD WASTE!
maybe they can put a gate somewhere to use one of the extra LEDS as AM/PM.. u know, AM=false, PM=true and so on and so forth!
hehe! forgive the blabber.
still waiting for RE4. shit.
aha, now i get what you're going on about! but you still wouldn't have any spare leds, so no am/pm unless you install another led.
Me want RE4.
Me want PS3.
oooh have you seen the trailers (i know they're old news by now) of KILLZONE 2??
In-game graphics but rendered a bit more me thinks.
umm.. u know any good games out there i should look forward to?
any platform?
still, you won't need another led:
when its 12 AM the clockface can read
1 1 0 0
and 12 PM
1 1 0 "1" with this "1" signalling for PM..
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