Be There
Wow I'm excited about this alot! I'm lucky that my mum's flat is spot in the middle of London (Victoria to be precise), which is very close to alot of key things, eg westminster/downing street etc. But I'm not excited cos of the touristic value of it all, but cos the majority of pilot digital schemes include her area, which makes me very priveledged. That's why I've got 8mbit when the rest of Britain is excited about 2 (which I had 2 years ago). Ofcourse, Britain sucks compared to other countries (10mbit is the default in sweden, 100mbit in hong kong!!), but not for long!
Be have announced that their new ADSL2 service will launch in the next couple of months, comes with a free ADSL2 wireless modem, and will cost less than £30 a month with NO caps or limits. Best thing about it is, it's a 24mbit service! With my current 8mbit (runs more at 6mbit with headers), it takes about 20minutes to download a 740mbyte CD. So, multiply that by 3, and you've got yourself a pipe that can download a full DVD9 image one and half hours-SWEET!
The service is rolling out in central london first, so I've registered interest on the site, and let's hope they get it right. Let's hope it uploads faster than bloody 256kbit. perhaps it uploads at 10mbit LOL. Would be VERY useful, if you know what I mean ;)
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