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Friday, July 15, 2005

Guild Crack

I never was into MMORPG games. Killing rats and harvesting for a living to increase my XP was never my cup of tea. I must admit, as a kid I did play alot of fantasy role playing books (without the dice, couldn't be bothered) and it was great fun! One day at around 1am I got possesed and went down to asda, and found myself buying a variety of dvds I don't want, one was guild wars. A MMORPG that had no subscription fees, so was a good way to check what all the fuss was about. Essentialy this game chucks everything out of the window and re-writes the holy book of RPG. To some purists (read: D&D geeks) this is not a welcome change. To short attention span people like me, spoilt rotten by arcades and id software, this is ideal! The game lets you play the usual rpg stuff (which is GREAT FUN) but more importantly also lets you join in to the player versus player action straight away, which is the best thing since the original death match! these games consist of 2 teams of 4 people randomly grouped by the pc, with the objective being anihilating the opposition. As it's a RPG, you get various classes battling out against each other, eg monks, warriors, necromancers, etc etc. I'm a healing monk, and I can't do anything to defend myself, but I'm very good at healing everyone and resurrecting the dead. This makes me a very valuable asset for the team, and also for the enemy! there's always a big warrior making sure I'm ok, and another 2 chasing my ass around to kill me! Playing is more fun than you can imagine, and really needs good co-operation to progress in the arenas! Problem is, last night at 23:30 I thought I'd play one game. Here I am, 6 hours later, 5:00am in the morning, typing at this while dreading today's 12 hour shift.
An addictive game if there ever was one, and a beautiful one at that. GET IT. FULL STOP.

ps: a cool moment in a match today was when I was the last one alive, with a big mofo warrior chasing me around to kill me. I decided to use the "Bring Back Life" spell that takes about 12 seconds to activate. I found a fallen warrior and started the spell, by that time the enemy warrior was whooping my arse big time, just as I resurrected the fellow warrior, I was killed by the enemies! My team mate then got up and kicked the other guys arse, and the team won the match. Gut clenching excitement at it's best! Oh and did i mention, GET IT! NOW!!

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