Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Friday, July 08, 2005

Sweet Day, Bitter Day

Shame isn't it. How some people can REALLY ruin what was a happy time. Again, us Muslims are catapulted straight into the limelight with the bombings today in London. Just when you thought things were quieting down, they go and strike in the heart of the city, the very day after London was announced as the host city for the Olympics 2012. Yesterday was a great day, it was my birthday, we all went out for a great meal, and London won the Olympic bid.
Today, I walk in to a mess of doctors talking about how those "bloody Qaeda" are behind this, and you can't help but wish that you weren't arab nor muslim at that very second. Shame isn't it.

1 comment:

A. Damluji said...

its a shame really. so many deaths, so much pain after so much happiness.

Take care. it seems that if you don't come to the war, the war will come to you.

those terrorist animals will not deter me from calling myself a Muslim.

I am proud of being a Muslim.

Qaeda Terrorists are NOT muslims.

don't let them convince you of that.

oh and happy birthday.