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Tuesday, December 02, 2008

The Simpsons Mock Apple

Very effectively too :)


A. Damluji said...

"i invested in Microsoft"
oh god that cracked me up! :D hilarious!

SoB said...

who/where/what says that? time link please :p

A. Damluji said...

ohkay, am in public library now cant listen, but its when Bart plugs in the mic and does a voiceover on Steve Mobbs (!)

goes something like:

"I invested in Microsoft and now me and my boyfriend Bill Gates are kissing each other on a pile of your money"


will give timestamp when am home :)

A. Damluji said...

2:20 and onwards Boss :D

SoB said...

Yes :D

I like the scene anmar pointed out at 2:03, with all the money out :D

I also selfishly like the fact that all the apple fanbois are left-handed :p