Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Dubai Day 2

First of all, I am on "borrowed internet". The company Ziad works for as a 3.5G router so they lent it to me to use in the hotel. Unfortunately, they need it back on their site now.

I will try my best to blog tomorrow from somewhere. On to the day:

The laziness that was our day started with a breakfast on our balcony. In a surprise move for any hotel, actually requesting the breakfast as room service is free. After that we walked down to the hotel's beach and did what people do on the beach (NO! Not that!). This is my first beach holiday as such, and I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought.

We wandered back towards the hotel and lounged about on the sun chairs just behind the beach, on a green lawn in the shade. That was even more fun, there as a nice breeze and though busy, the beach/surrounding area was quiet so it was very blissful. We had lunch there, and I stupidly ordered a mint refresher drink (Lemonade, Sugar, Mint). It tasted EXACTLY like liquid Mint Sauce, which Kelly loves. She had that and I ordered something called Dessert Kiss (mixed fruits). Much better.

This evening we're gonna have dinner in the hotel too (in case you hadn't noticed, today is hotel-only day, a traditional Alsawafx2 affair), probably at Al Khaima, that does BBQ and Sheesha. Mmmmmm.

Gotta go take the router back now :(

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