Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

New address, Stupid registrar, Jarre is back, L4D, and Dubai

Hello blogites!

Thanks for bearing with all the technical difficulties. More importantly, thank you all for your messages of support and help... I'm really happy that there are still people out there that follow my ramblings. It's great. Thanks again!

My old URL ( seems to have disappeared. My STUPID STUPID registrar (, AVOID AT ANY COST) is not only expensive, but also technically incompetent and total shit. My registration with them has about a year left.
After lots of anger and grief with them, I've decided to move along.. it would have cost a bit to move ali-sob to somewhere else, so instead I've registered a new name with (thanks Anmar) for 5 years (a lot cheaper than stupid!).

The new address is:
Sexy, don't you think? :p

Unfortunately, visitors to will be greeted with DNS errors. If it does get fixed, I might get it to forward here, or vice versa, or maybe not.

On to more fun news now.

Jean-Michel Jarre is touring again, with 4 UK dates in May next year. I've booked 2 tickets for the London show (29/05/08) in advance before they all disappear, and I'm hoping a very pregnant Kelly by then should be able to come along.... according to her "I'll probably go in to labour there cos the baby will have enough of the music"... she's not a fan :( I'm hoping the baby will love it and become a Jarrenaut like it's supercool dad.

I mean me :p

We've been having a great, great time with Left4Dead (me, BlueBlood, Anmar + random friends)... it's a wonderful game both in coop and in vs (which is pure genius, warrants it's own post later).. it really brings out the cooperative spirit and brings us together as gaming friends... I can only wish that someone else picks it up and actually plays it, but for some reason I doubt that :p

Finally, tomorrow we fly back to Dubai (arrive Saturday AM) to spend a week doing nothing other than relaxing, reading books, and eating! The laptop will be with us, as will the big heavy camera/tripod, so watch this space we might just blog daily like NYC last year.

And that's the end of this long, overdue post. Thanks for listening!


Anmar Mansur said...

Good stuff. Have fun in Dubai and try to behave on the beach this time around, you heathen Brits :p

SoB said...

In the immortal words of George Michael:

"Let's go outside, in the sunshine"

The Jassanis said...

Hallah wallah,I was checking the status of everybody on facebook (AS USUAL) and I saw yours with new name of your website (mine still not working). I was scrolling down and I saw Ali(or Kelly )the second, Mabrook, Inshallah everything will goes alright.
Sinan is leaveing on Sunday back to Sydney, I think you can't meet each other (unless we

The Jassanis said...

sorry I posted the comment before finishing it :)
unless we arrange something on Saturday Night.
Tosloon Belsalama, w inshallah nitshawaf.

Salam to Kelly and the baby ;)

SoB said...


I didn't realise Sinan is there! I don't think we can do anything Saturday night, because our flight is overnight (we reach tomorrow 7 am) so we've decided to relax all Saturday.

Inshallah we meet, but it'll have to be in Dubai this time :p

Salam to all

The Jassanis said...

SMS me your number in Dubai, mine is 050 2516587, and no problem we will come to Dubai inshallah.
