Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008


for the lack of proper posts. Been busy, work sucks.

Lots to talk about: Little Big Planet, Dead Space (AWESOME!!), The L4D demo out Thursday, and the fact that I'm in love with a joystick.

More later. I promise.


A. Damluji said...

am buying a 3. next month i hope.. they have a cool 80gb package with LBPlanet thrown in, and another 160gb package with four free downloadable games:
• Gran Turismo 5 prologue
• Ratchet & Clank: Quest For Booty
• The Last Guy
• Super Stardust HD
which are four fun games, if not "full-standing" etc.
question is down whether stocks will remain while i scrounge up more moneyz.

sigh.. life...

A. Damluji said...

switched! will buy a PSP with the following:

WipeOut Pure (cheaper than Pulse)
Lumines II
GOW: Chains of Olympus
2GB memstick
and a scratch-protection pack..

will think of hacking it, but since the process involves cutting open your psp battery, i would give it some time before i do this..

now lets see about ordering it and whatnot..

SoB said...

Stupid mistake. Honestly.

Oh well, no matter what I say you want a PSP/3.....

Also, why cutting a battery? I know there's a Pandora Battery that doesn't (or at least didn't when I last checked) involve any hardware modding... you can buy them ready made off eBay or just make your own with software.

I'm lucky to have the first psp (1000) and my "hack" was all software...

Again - a NDS or XBOX are the way forward. Honest.

Sigh again.

Nafi Wedie said...

Ahem! :P, I feel this reply concerns me as well :P

SoB said...


A. Damluji said...

duder, i wanna second pc, and already adamant on installing linux on the ps3 when i get it :) cheaper and better than buying a new pc :)

# HD tv am getting one anyway

# it does games, and dual boots linux

# can replace the onboard SATA HDD with the biggest i find, and still would be within reasonable price

# can use psp as remote, and under linux its plugNplay

# has MGS!

# will buy all three. each console has a game i want: left4dead, halo, gears of war, supersmash brothers, the new wario, but first will buy ps3 :)

# and its cheaper than buying a "gaming" pc. wayyyy cheaper. even with a flatscreen tv thrown in. HDready mind you, not full HD.

# oh and both me and my wife have lotsa exams, and that was the ONLY reaosn i didnt buy a wii+mariokart+supersmash+wii sports. its the same price as the stuff i plan to get.

will think about the pandora battery, thanks for the tip. couldnt find one ready-made here..

SoB said...

I could waste my breath (typeing engergy?) countering each and every one of those points, but like I said your mind is already made up, hence I won't bother.

Just remember my words in 2 months time after you've but your PSP/3.

Ask Nafi, it's not even a month.

A. Damluji said...

Duder i already got it :)
due to a timing error (ordered one day before the weekend) i got only the console, no memstick or games till monday.
BUT, i went out and bought RidgeRacer2. which is AWESOME! :D has tracks from all ridge games, graphics are what i expected.

GoW and Wipeout due monday, i guess..

and like you said, i DO want a 3, but still i want the other consoles. as for the NDS, i want a game to attract me. really like. i mean, WIPEOUT or MGS or GOW kind of attraction. the only thing caught my eye on the NDS is the metroid game, and mario kart. i want MOAR! :)

A. Damluji said...

and actually no, you cant counter all points, for example: the first one, which also relates to me getting a ps3 instead of a pc :)

lets see: PS3 80gb, with shipping: 4300 kr.
runs Far Cry 2 comfy :)

gaming pc, i swear i looked for the cheapest:

Fujitsu Siemens Scaleo Xi2529
with 500gb HDD not 1TB
6200 kr. just for the case. screen is

Asus 19 TFT VW195D
around 1400 with shipping,

all three are from same shop, and i didnt check speakers, mouse and kb.

and even if i buy something i build myself, it still costs too much here.

SoB said...


make sure you play loco roco

A. Damluji said...

boss i keep forgetting to thank you for Halting State :)

very inventive, and not until the last chapters then i understood what Tunneling IP over DnD meant, i thought it was literally the opposite, but.. genius!

SoB said...

Yes it should be the opposite, but if you understand why it's funny this way round then this book is for you :D