Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Iraqi Ameno

7ashasha or what?!


Anonymous said...

Dude ... it´s very obvious that everyone who sees this must think that iraqy´s are the most normal people on this planet .. this vid made my day allready, good stuff

SoB said...

Dude the coolest thing about all this is that once each one of them has a drag, they go high and start fucking around :D

It's just classic!!!

And the first nun looking around to see if she can sneak off to get the fag is great too!

Anonymous said...


u have no idea ho much i loved that stuff , lought at , liked the lyrics , translated it to englsih from latin , i liked it both sides , halluluiah ERA , truly great song ameno = feel my pain.

salaam dearest

SoB said...

Ah, glad you like it :D

Talking about ERA, their latest album, REBORN is mixed with Arabic music and lyrics you can understand :p

It's on the Kitchen for anyone interested.......

A. Damluji said...

ooh ooh i am!