Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

SoB The Second

Or Kelly The Second. Who knows ;)


Anonymous said...

DRd ;

congrats ; hay is this a psp or a ds in (his/her) hand !!


Anmar Mansur said...

I'd say it's a DS but that doesn't tell us much. Do you guys get early access to the demo, having pre-ordered and all? Aren't there any more screenshots or concept art? When should we expect see gameplay footage?

I can go on and on, you know :p

SoB said...

We're currently in Alpha stage, at around week 12 of developement.

Not sure when the Beta is, but the next point release is when we're 20 weeks in to coding.

We're still planning to release the final product to the public on time, sometime around summer next year.

The code is functional, but not in a playable state as such. This has caused the lead developer to have lots of tantrums and mood swings, which, of course, has led to pressure on other members of the team.

But rest assured, we're doing all we can to make sure we get this thing on time next summer.

Anmar Mansur said...

Thank you for the comprehensive press release. I like how you dress up the "only active" developer as the "lead" developer; it testifies to your excellent PR skills. Can you comment on recent rumors of you and Gabe Newell being spotted talking at a local Starbucks car park?

SoB said...

I'm not going to confirm nor deny that rumour, but would like to go on record that we intend to release our final product via Valve.

INDIA said...

it's just gonna end up on torrent sites....

Nafi Wedie said...

"This has caused the lead developer to have lots of tantrums and mood swings, which, of course, has led to pressure on other members of the team.

Now I know what the developer meant by the phrase "you can clan kara"


Anonymous said...

Mabrook, :)

Zaid Ahmed Nadhim said...

Congratulations man..

Anonymous said...


seriously its time to take 3d pictures i waiskh u were near to me i had real time 3d probe that scan and render in real time , man looks at the possibilities ;we can use it an objects for turuamnet games LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL.
and dont worry , u r will become slave for the next 2 years only

Anonymous said...

Bullseye and congrats dude ...
how about we´ll send our sibblings to the quake grounds in a couple of years?

SoB said...

Tron, Wolf: Thanks

Blue Blood: indeed! The lead/only developer is learning to swear in lots of languages :D

DrD: real-time 3D "probe"... am not sure we can convince our developer to go for that one :)

India: we are making sure that non of the source code leaks. We will, of course, be thinking of various protection methods. One idea we're toying with now is just releasing one very limited collector's edition, which will remain safe with our team.

Another possibility is that our final product will release it's own daily downloadable content, which we'll happily pass on to all those torrent sites out there.

SoB said...

Nile: Thanks man :) How's Maxim, is he out of beta yet :p

I think we've got a little clan getting together:

DrD's daughter
Blue Blood's sons
Haniboy's daughter
Wolf's daughter
Our bionic cybercommando

That's 6 players... we'll have to modify Doom II to do 6 player DM ;)

INDIA said...

I call shotgun on 'SoSoB' if it's a boy.

SoB said...

Man....... I forgot to mention Maxim, Nile's soldier and Tron's child (boy? girl?) in the clan, hence making it an 8 player affair... they'll have to play 2 seperate matches of map 7 :D

SonSoB rather ;)

SoT said...

10000000000000 Mabrook <:-P

SoB said...

10000000000000 Shukran <:-P

A. Damluji said...



sorry for the all caps but am excited and happy for you both! :D

love and peace dude, happy eid, christmas and newyear all rolled into one!

SoB said...

Thanks, thanks, thanks and thanks!