Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

At Last!!

My dad is out!

Confirmed, verified, I spoke to my aunt and his wife (can't talk to him till tomorrow cos he's with his sister who's phone is broken). He got "released" today, and according to his wife he is "a bit dizzy cos he was put in a car boot for a while". Can you imagine?

They promise me he's well, and I'm going to talk to him (hopefully video chat) tomorrow morning!

Thanks to everyone who got in touch. I can't explain how fucking stressful all this shit was.

Jigjig Friday :p ?


Anmar Mansur said...

Yes! I'll go tell my folks now. God, we've been worried sick. I'm happy and relieved. This calls for a celebration.

Anonymous said...

congratulations !

الحمد لله على سلامة الوالد

SoB said...

Salah! thanks!

Erm, do you jigjig? ie do you play PC games online like the rest of us mortals?

If you do, we need more recruits!! Team Fortress 2, Quake 3, Call of Duty 4, Quake Wars. Whatever.

Come join us!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to play with you guys
Unfortunately I don’t have the required equipment (i.e. State of the Art PC , PS3 etc)
Also My Wife and Daughter involved in every detail of my Life
My small laptop is my only hope now to catch some of the movies released in torrents
The day in Baghdad was longer, I could do lots of things at that time, but here I’m inside
(work-eat-sleep) loop

Unknown said...

mabrouk hub inshallaah everything will be fine.

Anonymous said...

Awesome dude ... i´m happy it all worked out so good ... salam :)