Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Pee & poo :)

I forgot to mention this earlier.
As a good luck gift, the ever amazing Kelly decided to get me a Pee&Poo set!
If you remember in this blog entry, Pee&Poo are Swedish soft toys that come in a set. They've "escaped from the bathroom" and are looking for a home.

How someone could get away with designing toys about poop and wee is amazing. What's even more amazing, is that Kelly has actually read the whole blog, and ordered these from the Pee&Poo website (Sweden). They're quite big but very cute.

In true geek style, these are staying in their box forever. You never know, they might become famouse one day :o). There's a picture down there of them (and Kelly, who didn't know I had included her in the view!).

So thank you so much Kelly, not only for these, but for everything else you've done for me. Including kicking my ass in both MarioKart and Table Tennis :p

I should get her playing Quake 3.......

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