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Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Exam Games...

Ok, I've just spent UNHEALTHY hours playing Rockstar Presents Table Tennis online. I'm actually quite good at it, which is amazing seeing that I suck at everything else!

Which reminded me of my university years. Every set of exams I had a game I played in between revision. The most memorable one I played (and finished in the exams!) was Terminal Velocity (remember that? 3DRealms, those of Duke 3D fame). And since then, I've always had a favourite game to de-stress between revision. Quake 3 favours highly cos it's great to just go online and kick some ass (or get your ass handed over to you).

This time round, it's Table Tennis. Great game.

Is it just me that does this? or is this natural in those people of the unique Book-Game geek personality....

The exam is coming soon. I finished the main book that's regarded as the bible of PACES, I gotta re-read it again in the next 3 days. Friday is for practicing the examination routines on Kelly.

Exams SUCK. Games in between revision don't. And Voodoo People (Pendulum Remix) is a great track... listen to it...

I sleep....

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