Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Friday, June 09, 2006

Page Unavailable

Get this: a university internal website project for Philosophy students went down cos one of the managers there took a uni xbox back home for his son to play on!
That's right, they were using an xbox with linux running on it as a cheap server for the project!

Quote from
The administrator went down to the new manager’s office to report the missing X-Box. The new manager was quiet for a moment and then sheepishly informed the administrator that it was he who had removed the X-Box. The manager had thought the X-Box was just a games console that the IT departments staff used for recreation when it got quiet. Noticing that the X-Box hadn’t been moved from the server room for some time and that his son was going to be at home on school holidays for the next two weeks, the manager decided to take the X-Box home so that his son would have something to entertain himself with. The manager then drove home and retrieved the X-Box. The administrator got a labeling machine and plastered the words “This is actually a server” all across the console.

He he! how awesome is that :o)

In other news, Namco is releasing point blank for the DS with touchscreen support, and the new mario bros game (which rocks, I imported it) for DS is dominating the jap sales charts with over 1 million sold in 3 weeks. The DS continues to lead the sales too, just going to prove some cynics that doubted it's powers :p (yes that's YOU India :p)

I for one have always backed it up, check here and here and here!

SoB out

PS: MRCP PACES on Saturday 17/06. AWOL till then.


Anonymous said...

what's a DS?!! anyone?!! :p


SoB said...

stay in your ignorace, FOOLS!

:p again

how's life?