My new iPod...
...has arrived today! As I was on a 24 hour shift yesterday, I came home earlier than usual today (1pm). I was waffling around when my house-mate gave me the box! It had come earlier today. I gotta admit I'm very impressed with the quality of this thing. It's thinner than my old 4g iPod, and has a beautiful and very clear colour screen. I connected it to the powerbook and it automatically synced all my songs, videos, pictures, contacts, and calender.
Playing videos on the iPod is nice and clear, but ofcourse less responsive than a pc (ie you gotta wait a bit when seeking for example, especially large files). But ofcourse this is trivial. Songs now show album art when playing, and I was watching a slide show of my pictures while listening to Gorillaz :)Quite neatly, itunes optimises the pictures so that they are reduced in size for the ipod screen, rather than just putting the full size pics on the ipod and then post-processing them. This saves you space, and there is an option to include the full res pictures if you wanted (for eg to download them on another pc). As my iPod is mac formatted I won't need this option, so I'm using the space saving option.
I'm also going to start using the powerbook calendar, to put important dates and stuff on, so my ipod can be a semi-PDA. Now if only Apple would make a PDA, I'd finally be convinced to buy one ;)
Finally, more and more each day I'm realising that Apple make seriously good software and hardware. It's amazing the amount of integration between os x, itunes, iphoto, icalender and the iPod. I'm definitely going to invest in a desktop mac soon after I've invested in a wife :p
Oh and I made use of the free custom laser engraving option that Apple offers with new iPods, check the picture below for what's engraved on the back of my iPod ;)
hmmm.. u aint got a 'tache, or do u? (in reference to flanders)
so like, mabrouk, hope it gives you joy and happiness for years to come!
all hail apple (and the SoB of course)
hohum.. gotta go. headache. akh.
headache here too,
and nile warp in germany has one too.
must be a global thing
i have a goatie (or french beard if you're posh). I presume you out of all people get the "propert of ned flanders" joke right?
ps: in case you haven't already, play (and eventually worship) shadow of collusus (ps2)
well i know who he is, but why him in particular? he's too squeaky clean!
i saw shadow of colossus on sale yesterday, thought from the cover it was "another God of War" Clone..
will pick it up, maybe tomorrow, or tuesday.. hm.
so when u gonna break the good news and invest in one of them new "wife" thingies?
come on! :D
(Me? still a couple more years, got to round up some serious cash first! :P)
It has NOTHING to do with God Of War. It's a beautiful game, one of the most beautiful actually.
You play a hero trying to bring to life his love. To do that he has to slay 16 colossi. Finding them is simple (you just follow a light) but the colossi themselves are amazing! massive massive beasts, and each one is like a puzzle in itself... a great game. very original
So you don't get the Ned Flanders joke..... in many Simpson episodes homer would be using something belonging to ned, and that usually has a sticker on it saying (property of ned flanders). The most famous one is the Barbeque. The stuff ranges from camp items, camcorders, and even a bedroom once!
So, just in case you still don't get it :p, I'm emplying that this iPod belongs to homer, who's nicked it from ned.
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