Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Euro Disney

I've been waiting AGES to go to Euro Disney. The only reason I've never been was that non of my friends were up for it. What exactly is wrong with travelling across the sea to go see Mickey Mouse? Grown ups just don't understand :p

So, I'm finally going there. 9th of December 2005 for 4 days. Can't bloody wait!! It's my x-mas gift for Kelly. She loves roller coasters, and theme parks, and has yet to grow up... ideal


Anonymous said...


Go there. Its just about opening your mouth the whole friggin time trying to realize why are there so many colors. We were lucky to see the 50th anniversary parade which was great.


SoB said...

yeah, i remember seeing your pics there, looks great.
The time I'm going has got the Mickey Winter Wonderland parade, complete with fake snow and all!

I really can't wait...