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Friday, October 14, 2005

Spoilt For Choice and Spielberg

What a night!
2 GREAT games showed up yesterday, Serious Sam II and F.E.A.R.
I managed to get my hands on sam relatively quick (for us mere mortal internet users), and came back from work today to find that F.E.A.R. was in my trusty d:\leeching folder (directory if you're old) also.
Unfortunately both are alcohol 120% clones, and need a bit of computer trickery to run but they're both running now flawlessly.
My oh my what games! I know I'm going to get flamed for this but I gotta admit enjoying playing Serious Sam II. I know it's mindless action, but the environments are great and the gfx are spank up to date with hdr rendering and the lot. Great fun.
As for F.E.A.R. well I really can't put any words that give this game any justice. It is one of the most amazing FPS games I've played in ages, with loads of scary moments and good shooting action to boot.
Tonight I plan to turn all the lights off, put my 5.1 surround headphones on and cream my pants. Gaming rules.

This also means that FarCry gets uninstalled yet again (yes it still sucks!).

I still think Doom III is the daddy of the latest FPS games. The gfx in that game were truely mind blowing. I still haven't seen them copied in any other game. But all other games are excellent in their own right.
Problem is, next week Quake 4 arrives (based on doom III engine!), so there's ALOT of gaming to do... this is THE year to be a PC gamer.

Next month? Call of Duty II

And finally (as our good old British newscasters say), EA has signed up the relatively unknown film maker Steven Spielberg to create 3 games "for everyone". Being an avid gamer himself, he thought he'd take a shot. So what does that mean for everyone? a better, longer, and more involving Fahrenheit (Kelly finished that, it's great!)? Here's hoping so...

Keep on gaming people.

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