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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I should've wished for something else!

Remember in my "Where's the damn pointer" entry I was being sarcastic about mice with firmware, saying "what next? consoles with magic wands..... wait a minute.....". I was refering to Nintendo's excellent revolution and it's controller.
Scarily enough, today joystiq reports here that details of a patent filed by sony back in 2004 have leaked, and guess what, it's a magic wand! I kid you not, dubbed the sonywand, and is remarkably similar to ninty's revolution!
The fact that the news surfaced today is very freaky. Perhaps if I try again I'll get what I want. Here we go:
"what next? me winning the lottery and getting a job at the same time, making me rich, famous, and reemployed!........."

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