Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Swing Shift

Another pretty word for the darn fucked up thing called "nights". Tomorrow I start a 7 day slog of these so called swing shifts, ie working from 9pm till 9am. As I'm the poor soul looking after nearly 200 medical patients + all new acute admissions that night, it's a tough job. Very tough. The first night is shit cos you're still thinking you should be asleep at 3am rather than jumping up and down some poor nanny's chest. That's fun for ya.
Got my PSP, this thing rocks! playing the excellent lumines (well it's made by Rez creator, so that's not a bad thing) and ofcourse ridge racers. But still I'm loving my DS more, the great yoshi catch and go is so cool, and this touch/shout/blow at the screen feature of the DS makes it all so good to play with.
Life is good after all. Nights are here though so not posting for a while.......

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