Lemon jelly - 64-95
At last. I type this way too late for bedtime with my trusty iPod delivering me the latest creation from those clever people at Lemon Jelly.
Their latest album is called 64-95, and is a homeage to the different musical styles between those years. The duo have taken some famous (and not so famous) samples from various songs throughout the years and mixed them with their well-known catchy beats/guitars/bass, thus making a great album for anyone familiar to Lemon Jelly. It's also a great place to start if you haven't heard any of their previous 2 albums.
Worth mentioning is that there are a few tracks that are a bit distant from the usual style. Of note is the openning track which features some heavy electric guitars and has a more of a rock feel to it. Great track still!
It's not chill out music as they're frequently labelled. This is calm, fun to listen to music that's great for any occasion, any where and any time.
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