Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Saturday, February 12, 2005

The First Night

Just woke up. Came back home around 9:00, fell asleep somewhere between 9:30 and 10:00. My first night shift was what Doom had always told us, HELL ON EARTH!
I walked in to our EAU (Emergency Assessment Unit) only to be greated by the surgical SHO that was just going home saying "Hi Ali. Welcome to hell!". "Is it that bad?" I ask, he just nods and shuffles away.
I went in to the main triage area and saw lots of worried looking patients, many flustered looking nurses, and lots of doctors faffing around. To my delight, the person handing over to me still had 5 patients on their list that they hadn't seen! The house officer decided to leave at EXACTLY 9pm, while the day SHO was so slow all she had seen that day was 5 patients out of around 20 (the 2nd SHO on-call had to do all the work, so he had left by the time I got there as well).
With no other option than to put my head down and start ploughing through this field of disease, I started seeing the patients, one by one as Enya sweetly sings.
Throughout the course of the night I had a total 0f 15 patients, in other words I didn't even have time to scratch my ass, let alone think about the clever way to treat these people! I wonder how many wrongs I've done, and how many poor souls in that hospital have been harmed by my insane mind last night.
Here's a thank you to everyone who braved taking anything I prescribed last night. Hope you're still around to read this some day :)
Till tomorrow evening then, I leave you lucky people to enjoy your normal lives.

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