It's late here. Very late. 2:20 am, Sunday is looming in and of course the vision of working again on Monday really isn't very inspiring. Freddy Mercury is telling me all about his "One Vision", and I'm typing this on my bed in London while hoping that the damn linksys doesn't drop the wireless signal again (decided to give my crappy linksys to mum, so I can use wireless net when I visit. It does the job but stalls alot).
Lots of things been happening in my life, but of course Good Delicious is the one the last to know. Gotta make sure I update this place more often.....
First off, my bro comes back from Jordan tomorrow. Hope he's managed to get me TONS of turmus (some funky mouth filler that only they seem to have), and also the obligatory baqlawa etc etc that every visitor to an Arab country has to get.
Went down to the Apple shop today in Regent Street (Great big place with lots of cool stuff). Wanted to get a case for my iPod (couldn't find anything nice and it was way too crowded). But i did manage to get my hands on replacement headphones for the crappy default ones (sure they look sexy but they just don't do the job right). The Sennheiser PX100 are a cool set of neo-retro headphones that finally do all that digital music some justice. My only gripe with them is that they're not as loud as the in-ear ones and also as they're not goofily big (ie DJ big), they don't isolate the outside world as much as I'd like. Still, these are minor things and I would highly recommend them to anyone wanting a replacement to the cheap stuff they give us in the box.
As I was allergic to money today, I decided to listen to those voices in my head and give in. The result? Well I placed an order at for the potentially excellent Sony PSP. Yes, I know I've always hated anything PSX related, but this damn fine piece of electric wizardry is too good to miss out on. As it's coming from Hong Kong I hope it'll be here mid/late next week. More on it once I get my hands on it.
Earlier today (well, technically yesterday), I received an email from an old friend called "something to laugh about". As she's never sent me any mass emails before, I thought it might be interesting. It contained a link to this video, of the hilarious aussies, The Umbilical Brothers. 2 VERY talented people (one's a ventriloquist, the other's an acrobat. Both are psychic!), who had a sold out tour on Broadway called Thwak! To my delight I found out that they're touring London now, and am going to see them tomorrow (well, today technically) at London's Peacock Theater. Make sure you check the video for some great laughs!
Finally, just a random website I stumbled upon the other day. Live Shot is something only the Yanks would cook up. A crazy idea to say the least! Some "clever" guy who owns a hunting ground in texas decided to setup internet hunting! By paying a subscription, cyber hunters can access a range of computers around the hunting ground and look around with HD cams and then with a click of a button, SHOOT LIVE AMMO! Yes, that's right anyone can just start shooting about! The project is still incomplete and all you can do now is shoot at cardboard targets, but they hope to change that very soon with real game involved!
It really is scary this. The fact that some kid thousands of miles away can shoot at some poor boar is just mind blowing. What if another "real" hunter is killed? who is to blame? As the media loves to blame any death tragedy on video games (columbine anyone?), I wonder if they'll let this website loose for the whole world to shoot about on. Please no.......