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Thursday, October 09, 2008

TGS: NMH2 and R-TYPE Dimensions!

So I woke up way too early today (nights, remember?) to find that lots of information from the first day of the Tokyo Game Show has hit the web. 

The usual surprises (Halo prequel etc) and info on games we already know about. But, more importantly, two games I really care about:

No More Heroes 2 (Desperate Struggle) has been announced! The original NMH is a Wii game by Suda 51 (the awesome man behind Killer7 and many others) and it is one of the most fun, original, and best games on any system - not just the Wii. At the end of the first NMH, the game tells us that it might come back - or not, leaving us all in limbo whether there will be a sequel. And thank God there is!

Next up is the irem remake of the awesome, awesome R-Type!
R-Type Dimensions is an XBLA release of R-type 1 and 2. This SHMUP remains the holy grail of all SHMUPs, and imho, and that of many others, remains to be surpassed!

The game features the same chiptune soundtrack, a pseudo-3D view (optional) and new co-op and endless modes. CANNOT WAIT!

Finally: last night tonight :D

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