Let me get this off my chest: I hate, despise, loathe, just cannot tolerate levels based under water, or on ice!
I just hate them.
Under water levels make me feel motion-sick. The degree of freedom in an under water level reminds me of what Descent did to me when I first saw it, and the slow movement under water makes that sick feeling even worse. Urgh.
Ice levels? Damn you ice levels!! I think they are just a cheap cheap way to make a boring level just a bit more difficult, and for me, really frustrating! Again, the whole trying to negotiate a surface that's slippery and in which neither starting nor stopping movement happens when you actually want it to happen, it's just enough to make me stop playing a game all together.
My rant comes on the basis that yesterday and today I've finished 2 galaxies that are based on water/ice in Super Mario Galaxy. As great as that game is, as inspired and original and imaginative that it is, and as perfect a platform game that it is, those 2 galaxies were just boring, frustrating and dull.
So you can imagine that if the great Nintendo can't make a proper water/ice level, who can? The answer? NO ONE CAN.
Don't get me wrong - I love platform games. In fact, I think they are my most favourite genre of games (followed closely by FPS), and I love good old fashioned pixel-perfect jumping and timing. But ice and water just annoy me - you can't time anything on ice, and you move so slow in water (usually coupled with a crappy control mechanic to speed you up, like repeatedly pressing A or something just as stupid) that both of them just make me want to -to quote a good delicious regular- athib min rasee (throw up).
Which is why God Of War I and II come in mind as excellent games: their underwater levels are a delight (because Kratos can move EXACTLY as he can on the surface, and there's no dodgy camera to work with), and any level with snow/ice in it is just for the atmosphere. There's no slipping and sliding, God Of War doesn't need any of that to make a level challenging.
To Kratos, I salute you.
To Mario, you're still number one. BUT I wish you wouldn't get yourself in so much shit (read: water).
I was hoping you'd say that, cause nothing describes it better.
I'm sure there are three, maybe four gamers out there who actually enjoy ice and water (torture) levels, but how about making it optional for the rest of us? Take LEGO Indy for example; you can actually play the whole game in Ice Rink mode (or not)!
I totally agree with you sob, O. Water levels are the most annoying thing that ever happened to games.Well, “Ice” levels suck too.You know the only thing worse then a water level is a sub-water level.
The most vivid memory of a water level was with the original Half-Life. At the end of Chapter 7 - On A Rail, the train you are on crashes and lands into water, and you have to get out quickly because there are these little worm things that are the most fearsome enemy. To top it all, there is no exit, you have to go UNDERWATER and look for an exit there. :(
Hires a ninja to kill all game designers who think it’s a good idea to put water/Ice levels in their game :-S
I haven't actually played Half Life.... GASP GASP I know!
I've played 2 and it's episodes, just not the original :D I really should get it source and play it......
Hmm , well I don't want to be repetitive but, I do agree with what being said.
My opinion , you need to control your anger and save it for the shitty ,undying Pyro or the freakin Aimbot sniper or pushkin the kart that's not moving, it only needs one more push only less then 1" and u can hear the most pleasing word " ViCtoRy " :D
BTW , you need to play half life :)
Pushkin the cart......
which reminds me, someone on this page should have TF2 by now.......
And I bought Half life source yesterday (only £5) so will be playing it soon!
what does :-S mean??
is it that you still haven't got it (tut tut)
or you have it and don't like it (tut tut tut)
Just finished Half-Life, what a great, amazing game!
There are moments in the game where you literally witness the birth of now common set scenes in FPS games... before Half-Life no one had even thought of such things. It really is standard-setting.
Now on to HL2 and both episodes, to remind myself how good they are.
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