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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Google Chrome

Chrome is Google's foray in to browsers, which according to them:

Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the web faster, safer, and easier.

It's only just (22 minutes!) been released (Beta, windows only. Mac to follow), and you can grab it here.

Let's see what it adds to the already dominated scene.


Anonymous said...

cool browser

I’m using it; the amazing things about it is the speed of browsing and the download manager.

SoB said...

it is stupidly fast... it renders faster than anything I've used before (Safari on mac was the fastest)..

It has it's own task manager (Shift-esc).

You can move tabs to their own windows, or between windows (FF can do the last one)

The most visited pages when you open a new tab are great

You can dynamically resize text boxes

And it's super light and super fast. I've already set it as my default browser :)

All it needs is a stumbleupon tool bar and we're done :D