Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


We're having a long weekend on Friday. I've taken Friday and Monday off, and Kelly is already off for a couple of weeks.

On Friday we're off to London, nothing planned for Friday but might do some shopping and stuff at Oxford Street. I really wanna go to Hamley's and the awesomeness that is Forbidden Planet.

Saturday will see the hardcore (Kelly-style) shopping, I'm hoping to spend the majority of it at the other awesomeness that is The London Trocadero (not as good as it used to be ages ago, but still a great arcade!). In the evening we're going to see Les Miserables which I've heard so many people rave about I'm hoping it's good.

Sunday we'll go take my mum out for a Chinese, but it'll also be the day we see Jean-Michel Jarre playing Oxygene live at The Royal Albert Hall. I am so looking forward to this, it would be the second time I see the man and hopefully not the last! Oxygene will be played entirely live by Jarre + 3 others, using the original equipment he used to create the record back in 77! It's amazing to think that the album is 30 years old, and remains an amazing and influential record.

Monday we might go to The Natural History Museum, and then back to Ipswich.

So, a long, action-packed, and hopefully really fun weekend! See you after the break ;)

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