Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Gametrailers TV Ep. 106

Yesterday's GT TV was a Valve special, where they talk about Episode 3, more Portal, but more importantly, we get to see more Left4Dead and a quick flythrough of Goldrush!!
There's also a trailer of the excellent Lego Batman and some more stuff, making it a very good 20 minutes watch :)

Clickity Link....

PS: Yesterday we did a jigjig (small scale, old-fashioned 3 people in Dustbowl) and it was awesome! Have missed doing this stuff, and staying up till 5 in the morning talking about photography shit with Pyromax :D
The thing that made our day though was a player with the coolest name imaginable: BIRDY NUM NUMS!!

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