Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Psychonauts and new Gamertag!

First, I've changed my Xbox Live! Gamertag. It was DrSbaitso, which, for those in the know, is a tribute to D.R.S.B.A.I.T.S.O, the Creative Labs Soundblaster programme that pretended to be a psychologist. There are two problems with this tag:

A\ 80% of people on Xbox Live! probably weren't born when Dr Sbaitso came out. As such, they can't even pronounce the word, let alone understand what it stands for.

B\ Being a real-life doctor, and having a tag with "Dr" in it made you sound like a prick. A prick that wants to tell everyone that he's a doctor. Not what I want to do. When people got to know me on Live! and asked me what I did for a living, answering "doctor" made them either go quiet or snigger silently (though loud enough to be heard). Essentially, a shit idea.

Problem is of course is that this gamer tag is from the original Xbox Live! and at the time I hadn't thought of Sobtanian. SoB in itself was already taken, so I had to think of another tag.

Anyhow, this is now all changed (for about £8, bloody microsoft!!!) and I'm now called Sobtanian. The Gamertag to your right shows that, but I wonder if the 360 blog will keep up...

Next, the 360 received a "fall update", in other words a firmware/os update. The interface has changed considerably, but what's more important is that original Xbox titles can now be downloaded over Xbox Live!, and played on the machine (it emulates them).

What's more important than that is that Tim Schafer's excellent excellent Psychonauts is on there!!!! For about £10, you can play this classic game with some upsampled loving. But, I hear you asking why play it again Ali? I played it and loved it last year, so why again. And that's cos I'm feeling guilty. I actually downloaded the original and didn't pay for it. Sorry Tim. And this is my way of saying sorry, by paying for it and sampling it's delights again.
Especially seeing that the original sold about 30,000 copies only and didn't do well in retail, so I've got to do my part :)

The 5.2 gb download or so had finished while I was at work, so I'll give it a twirl later this evening after Heroes. Which is the next best thing on TV besides The Simpsons and Ugly Betty. Which is for girls but I don't care, I watch it with Kelly.

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