Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Crysis SP Demo!

The Crysis SP demo, that wasn't meant to come out till tomorrow, is out!

Well, kind of. EA has let those that pre-ordered the game download it early. The download server is not secure in anyway, so those friendly people on the internets have told us the link.

This is probably the most hyped-up game since the original Halo was stolen by Xbox. Requiring DX10 and hailed as the first true next-gen PC game, Crysis is no light-weight.

I downloaded the 1.7gb beast and installed it. At first, it elected to run everything for me at high, with the max resolution of 1920x1200. What a disaster! I was running at about 10 frames per second. Reminded me of when FEAR first came out years ago :)

So, I then installed the nvidia Crysis beta drivers, and ran the game at the same resolution, but with everything set at medium. Now that was better! The gfx are still amazing, but more importantly the frame rate is around 40-50 (I checked with FRAPS). I was even seeing tearing due to vsync being off, which is a good thing! Next time I play it I'll definitely be vsync-ing. I hate tearing!!

Go here for a direct link to the file (a word of warning though: this game requires DX10, therefore needs a new VGA and Vista), and here's a picture to whet your appetite while you're waiting for the big fat .exe to slide down your pipe:


Anonymous said...

Whhat a game man !! thanks for a link and update ;-)

I put everything to high , with no AA and it was very smooth !!


Nafi Wedie said...


SoB said...


Anonymous said...


Nafi Wedie said...


SoB said...


ThE RuSsIaN WoLf said...

It can run on DX9 and not just DX10.