Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Bullshot: A screenshot that's been edited, usually Photoshopped.

Photoshop: Am not gonna bother explaining what this is. If you don't know, you're on the wrong blog :p
Now, some game publishers have been known to send out Bullshots every now and then. Just a few "little" changes, to make the game look a bit better, or shinier, etc etc.
EA recently sent out this "screenshot" of their upcoming NBA 08 title. But, it most definitely is a Bullshot. Why? Have a good look at it (click to enlarge) and tell me if you've spotted it.

If you can't see it, I've put the answer in the comments ;)
(Taken from Joystiq)


SoB said...

Look at the far left of the shot. There's a player, that's in half! Yes, half of him has mysteriously faded away, showing the spectators behind!

Bullshot indeed!

Nafi Wedie said...

Yep, outstanding bullshot,

More over what was that?? was it a neck or a pillar, LOL


Anonymous said...

check this out dude

its me 13 posting from outside my pc, so no log in.. sorry

SoB said...

cool stuff, seen it before though. Why? cos I read joystiq daily. And every week they have a weekly poll regarding which video game webcomic is the best. I think this one actually won that week :D