Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Addiction Is Back

No, I haven't started smoking again, thank GOD.

I'm talking about the new expansion pack for Titan Quest, called Immortal Throne.

I know there's a few new things added to the game, which I don't really care about, but what I also know is that it's more of the same. EXACTLY the same, ie click-n-slash action, with nothing more than one mouse hand needed to play. And more the great graphics, fantastical creatures, and great sound.

Oh and the other best thing is that your character from the original Titan Quest is fully playable. Actually, I think if you don't have a character from the first one you actually have to play through it all to get to the expansion pack content. So, my level 65 kick-ass Summoner is gonna have a great time in the expansion back.

So, am gonna be addicted soon. That's if I can get myself to stop playing Crackdown, which should be "finished" soon.

Titan Quester out

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