Please STOP visiting
First of all, apologies to any regular visitors to Good Delicious. This post does not concern you. Please don't bother reading it, and if you do, please don't be offended by it's content as it's directed towards certain individuals that I don't really know or care who they are.
I came to know recently that some people visiting this blog have been complaining about me being a show-off. And certain friends of mine have had to "defend" me when these people have complained to them about it all.
I'd like to clarify a few things:
1\ I haven't heard from anyone directly that this blog is bothering them. If you are one of the people that find something here annoying/offensive etc, please tell me directly. Hell, just post a reply to the post that's bothering you.
2\ This blog was started as a replacement to emailing people things that they might not want to read. Before good delicious, I used to email loads of people periodically about things I mention here, movies, games, jobs, exams, life in general etc etc. When I created this, I stopped emailing and just once emailed everyone the address of the blog.
It is up to people to visit here if they want to. I'm not forcing anyone. So, if you think that I'm showing off on the blog
3\ I won't be stopping good delicious, nor will I be changing my posts. After all, it is my blog.
I would like to extend a thank you to the regular readers of it all, and to those true friends that can talk to my face, not my arse.