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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Apple iPhone

I am WAY TOO EXCITED about this...

Apple have finally put together 3 things that have been rumoured for years: A touch screen iPod, a PDA of sorts, and a Phone. ALL IN ONE DEVICE.
Introducing the iPhone. Now it's not just any old phone with iTunes in it (*cough* motorola rokr) , nope this baby has only got one button and is totally wide-screen-touch-screen driven...

I can't remember being so excited about something since Nintendo revealed the Wii :)

Now, I've always thought I'd never get a PDA till Apple make 'em, and this baby will be hitting the streets in June (states) and end Q4 (europe). As I'm due a phone upgrade soon am gonna wait till I find out which network has this baby, and for how much. Am definitely gonna be an early adopter.

Enough excitement, head over to the Apple homepage for the specs, pics, and the video of the MacWorld keynote by Steve Jobs where he demos and introduces the beast.

Engadget have a nice semi-live blog of it also, here. SoB - TOO EXCITED.


A. Damluji said...

its bootiful, just bootiful!
however, i'm gunning for a nokia N91 myself stime soon hopefully.. dont like touchscreens, i'm too messy for them..

still, its snazzy!

i dont think i'm getting a psp here, TOO expensive, TOO much taxes here..
a 500 pound laptop costs around 900JD here == 1285 $s :'(
its true, i compared prices with my aunt..
will order one via my aunt, me thinks.

SoB said...

I totally do not encourage you to get a PSP, it's just a small crap PS2

get a Nintendo DS if you want handheld, awesome machines. Ask India, he'd agree after initially thinking it's the worst idea in the world. Once he got it though.........

importing a laptop from anywhere to jordan is NOT A GOOD IDEA. The jordanian people will tax it, just as much as if you're buying it from there. I know cos I tried to send a gameboy colour (!!) ages ago to my brother and it got taxed like hell.

The only way of getting round this is if your aunt comes with the laptop in her bag, openned and used to pretend it's her's

iPhone FTW.