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Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Condemned : Criminal Origins, that's what!

Man oh man is this game scary! if you don't know already, Condemned is a SEGA-published, Monolith-created (those of F.E.A.R. fame) game that has you playing an FBI agent trying to solve the mysterious case of killers on the loose, made people, and dying birds.

What distinguishes this one from the rest is that it's a FPS that depends more on improvised weapons, like pipes, doors, drawers, and the occasional fire arm. It's also very bloody and gory. But, all that's been seen before. What it does manage to do very well is scare you. Monolith are good at this scaring game, but with Condemned they've outdone even themselves!

The game manages to turn ordinary day locations into freaky places, my favourite being the abandoned department store, where every mannequine you see makes you jump just cos you're paranoid they'll jump out at you. And that's where the beauty lies, instead of depending on fantasy/sci-fi settings etc, it turns everyday locations into scare-fests. Classic stuff.

The game is out on Xbox360 and PC, so if you want to cream your pants and have fun at the same time, go grab it. The 360 version is better IMHO.

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