The 360 Blog have come up with a very clever idea. Utilising the Xbox Live's GamerTag, 360voice generates a blog on behalf of your Xbox! In other words, it creates a blog with the main editor being the 360, and it's entries are based on what you've been up to!
The language used is common English, and it also has a bit of wit to it, so it does a good job at convincing you that your 360 really is doing the blogging! I registered by GamerTag there a few days ago, and the resulting blog can be found here.
Thing is, today after lots of research, I found a way to incorporate the blog as an RSS feed into Good-Delicious' sidebar! (using the excellent feed2JS service)
So if you take a look there now, you'll see the 360's own little blog, as it tells you about my gaming adventures on it!
So there you have it. You now have two blogs to read while you're here ;)
Oh and could some of you please get a 360 already?! they're fucking awesome!!
SoB out
PS: I got the LAST exam of MRCP soon (well mid next month). It's called PACES and it involves alot of clinical skills (no more text questions!), so I gotta practice loads to get things right. Problem is, practicing is usually after work, as such I get back home tired, not to mention pissed-off!
So I'll be scarce on G-D from now till the big day. Cross your fingers everyone!!
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