Yesterday, both Nintendo and Microsoft showed off their next-gen plans in special press conferences pre-E3.
I couldn't watch neither of them live (cos I have teaching every day after work until the darn exam!), but I gave Kelly my GameSpot user/pass and she watched Nintendo live.
Microsoft focused on the 360, and mainly on the games (with a bit about the new eye-toy-esque camera). The games looked really cool, with the long awaited official trailer of Halo 3 shown! Some other good games worth noting are Gears of War, Too Human, Virtua Tennis 3, Lost Planet, and many more (I can't remember!).
Personally, the best thing they announced is a slew of new games (18?) for XboxLive Arcade (for those of you without a 360, that's a great retro service from MS, where you download remade games for a small fee, most feature multiplay/hdtv etc), these include remakes of Mortal Kombat, Contra, and even the EXCELLENT Lumines for PSP (featuring music videos that are updated from time to time!). Playing Lumines in HDTV is going to be surreal.
Finally, MS have kept up to their promise that current 360 users will have a good deal, as everyone with a 360 get free xboxlive access over the e3 period, with downloads for ALL the trailers in HDTV, and even some playable demos (can't wait to play lost planet!). Great service if you ask me.
Then ofcourse there was Ninty. Their press conference started off with Shigeru Miyamoto (he should be knighted!) conducting a virtual orchestra using the Wiimote as it's now known. Reggie (kicks asses, takes names, remember?) came out then and introduced some really cool stuff: metroid prime 3, zelda wii, wario ware wii, excitetruck, wii spots, and more!. They then showed live action of how to use the controller and nunchuck attachment, and man does it look AWESOME! it looks like it's gonna feel really intuative and natural. The nunchuck has a motion sensor in it too, and the wiimote itself has a speaker!
They also promised some other secrets for the controller!
Ubisoft also showed off Red Steel, a Wii exclusive that gets you playing an underground life with guns and katanas!! the controller again shines here, making all very natural and realistic.
Loads more was announced, like new DS games (YOSHI ISLAND 2!!! WEEHEE! I love yoshi island and this one has dual screen support, and baby peach AND donkeykong!) and a new mario for Wii (mario galaxies) and GC (super paper mario).
And to end it all in style, they ended the show with 4 people (including shigeru and the big nintendo boss) playing 4 player tennis against each other, using the controller as a bat!
There's loads more that I'm sure I've missed out on! make sure you check gamespot where you can download the whole event, or just videos of the games I mentioned! The Wii official site has also been updated to reflect these announcements.
So, I got a 360, now what? Well if you haven't guessed yet, then I am definitely owning the Wii, but not the PS3. As much as the PS3 is great, it only focuses on resolution this, polygon that, sound this, reflection that. I already have a 360 for that. I want something new and fresh. And if Nintendo could get Kelly jumping up and down with excitement about "it looks really cool when they played wario ware and the tennis and it looks like it's really fun!", then am definitely getting a Wii, if only just so I can see her happily jumping up and down trying to beat a crazy wario minigame :)
And that, I think, is what Nintendo are trying to do, and are doing it well... very very well... getting other people to play, but also making sure us hardcore (or noncasual) gamers don't get too alienised, nor left out in the cold.
Let's see what the world's media think of the games today, now that they have a chance to actually play them...