Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Monday, January 03, 2005


I just realised that I haven't told everyone about one of my most favourite (and controversial) websites. It's the free online encyclopaedia WIKIPEDIA. Controversial? very cos anyone who can access the page can also edit any article there, or add a new article about anything! This has caused alot of uproar from the traditional, conservative book keepers that reckon people will just get wrong info from the site instead of using a "real" encyclopaedia.
Personally, I think the site rocks and has been verified to be 90% accurate. That's good enough for me.
Get your browsers over to and enjoy!



A. Damluji said...

hey I've been going there for months! its got ALMOST everything I wanted to know!
see ya round.


SoB said...

you still smoking? I'm still not smoking. Kinda sucks not having a poison but there you go :)