Sobtanian's old blog. Still full of goodies, why don't you stay a while.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

Game wallpaper of the day

Just added a rather untidy (but fully functional) feature on G-D. On the sidebar, just under the site description is a preview of a game wallpaper that updates daily (courtesy of the brilliant gamewallpapers). Clicking on the preview will show you a bigger preview and download options. One day I might figure out how to make it more tidy, but for now this'll do.
Till then, good-delicious!


A. Damluji said...

thank u nice one i stole it and put in on my place.. but i put a banner too!
put one of them big @$$ chick pix they have at the site and u gonna be flooded with hits!

see ya
me out.

SoB said...

I'm actually subscribed to gamewallpapers (cost £10 a year) and they got some GREAT wide screen wallpapers (useful for da mac)